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Cartoon Contests-Karikatur Yarismalari- Cartoon competition

ETS International Cartoon Contest /Italy 6 June 2014

Dear Sirs, 
ETS - European Tissue Symposium in partnership with the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna and the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften of Hamburg in view of promoting the importance of hygiene in public washrooms and reinforcing its message in an original manner, is launching a cartoon contest across Europe. The winning cartoon will be used in its institutional campaigns while the selected artworks will be exhibited at the Fine Art Academy in Bologna on occasion of the Handwashing Day in October 2014.
We are herewith sending you a Poster advertising the Contest and kindly ask your help to publicize the event on your site and by those cartoonists potentially interested in it.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation
Kind regards
Letizia Rostagno
Assistant to Roberto Berardi, Chairman
Via Pelagio Palagi, 6
40138 Bologna (Italy)
Phone +39 (0)51 390669 Mobile +39 334 736162 4

4 Nisan 2014 10:48 / letiziarostagno

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