*Theme: Civil Defense, Help & Rescue, War & Peace, Life in Difficult terms
*Festival Subjects: Camouflage & Deception, Safety & Shelter, Quench system & Fire announcement, Emergency Housing, Field Hospital
Brain Escape, preparation & positioning, Enemy psychological Operations, Internet Threats, Cultural Invasion, Civil defense in nature
Participants can send 5 works joining contest is open to all the cartoonists worldwide
Art works size : Minimum A4 & Maximum A3
Works can be Original or Digital (the works in digital, must have .jpg or .tiff format and should be scanned in 300dpi) also works must have signature on them.
“all Techniques are free”
The organizer has the complete Right to use the works in posters , brochures and etc.
Works which are against regulations or have no Entry form wont be arbitrated.
The works which are received after deadline wont be arbitrated and will be saved for the next Contest.
The works wont be returned.
The works which are entered to competition part will be printed in a book and The artists whose works are accepted will receive a print of it.
-First Prize :10000000 IRR (Iranian Rial) + Festival symbol
-Second Prize : 4000000 IRR (Iranian Rial) + Festival symbol
-Third Prize : 3000000 IRR (Iranian Rial) + Festival symbol
-Honorary Prize : Festival symbol for 10 participant
-The special award of Zheevar co.
-The special award of retrofitting institute
-The special award of standing committee of civil defense
-The special award of permanent secretariat retrofitting international cartoon festival
deadline : 15 june 2011
results : 20 june 2011
*E-mail Address for sending works: ADMIN@CDCARTOON.IR
*Postal Address for sending works: Iran – Tabriz – Mansour square – Shahid yagh’chiyan(Baghshomal) and hafiz Cross – zheevar Co – No 100.
davoud.deldar@gmail.com Tel : +984113324445 Fax : +984115546338 mobile : +989144016390 |