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Cartoon Contests-Karikatur Yarismalari- Cartoon competition

3.Don Quichotte International Cartoon Contest/DEUTSCHLAND-31 July 2008

In our world today 6800 languages are spoken in over 200 countries. Even in the countries having the same language exist dialects. Consequently each country adds its own social values to the language and makes it more colorful. On the other hand, in the latest 500 years about 750 languages are disappeared forever. According to the linguists, every 15 days a language is disappearing on the earth. One of the crucial reasons for this devastation is colonialism for sure.
There is a dialogue among languages as well. For example Latin lies at the root of many languages. In connecting people language plays an important role; while doing so it can build borders and remove them as well. Chinese is the most widespread language in the world. Second comes Spanish. English is the state language of 52 countries as you can surmise.
Even if we cannot imagine a positive religious dialogue we can talk about a worldwide linguistic dialogue which is much more attractive and active. The aim of our contest is to convey this rich variety through cartoons as much as possible. The most succesful cartoonists in reflecting the linguistic dialogue will be rewarded by the worldwide 15 jury of cartoonists whose members are also in the “Don Quichotte Cartoon Committee”.
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. donquichotte@donquichotte.at 
2) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in JPEG format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment. 
4) The sent in caricatures are issued first on the web pages of the “Don Quichotte”under the column “Today”. Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to 
contradict, promptly from the competition. Thus in the past the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided. 
5) The closing date of the competition is 31 Juli 2008. 
6) The jury, which consists from international well-known cartoonists, evaluates the forwarded art-works in September. Results of this evaluation and the award-winning art-works will be published on 1st Octobre 2008. 
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in Oktober in Esslingen (place and date of this meeting are www.donquichotte.at 
communicated at a later time).
- First Prize: $ 1000,Second Prize: $ 750,Third Prize: $ 500,Spezial Prize of “Necati Abacı”,Mentions
- Agim Sulaj (İtalia)
- Ares (Cuba)
- Benjamin Heine (Belgium)
- Carlos Brito (France)
- Carlos Latuff (Brazil)
- David Baldinger (USA)
- Erdoğan Karayel (Germany)
- Firuz Kutal (Norway)
- Hasan Fazlic (Bosnia&Herzegovina)
- Hicabi Demirci (Turkey)
- Julian Pena Pai (Romania)
- Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland)
- Marlene Pohle (Germany)
- Massoud Shojai (İran)
- Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
- Stephan Stötzler (Germany)

3.Don Quichotte Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması/ALMANYA-31 Temmuz 2008

“Don Quichotte” mizah dergisinin duzenledigi ucuncu uluslar arasi karikatur yarismasinin konusu “Dunya Dilleri” olarak belirlendi. Bugun dunyada yaklasIk 200'u askin ulkede 6800 dil konusulmakta. Ayni dili konusan ulkelerde bile diller, “lehce” olarak farkliliklar tasiyor. Dolayisiyla her ulke konustugu dili toplumsal degerlerine gore renklendiriyor, zenginlestiriyor. Buna karsin, son 500 yilda yaklasIk 750 dil, bir daha konusulmamak uzere yokolmus. Dilbilimcilere gore her 15 gunde, bir “dil” yok oluyor. Tabii dillerin yokolmasinin en onemli nedenlerinden birinin “somurgecilik” gercegi oldugunu hatirlatmakta yarar var. 
Dillerin kendi aralarinda da bir diyalog soz konusu. Ornegin bircok dilin kokeni Latince'den olusuyor. Insanlarin iletisiminde oncelikli sirayi alan “dil”, sinirlar olusturdugu gibi sinirlari kaldirabiliyor da. Dunyada en cok konusulan dil Cince. Ikinci sirayi ise Ispanyolca aliyor. 52 ulkenin resmi dili de tahmin ettiginiz gibi Ingilizce. 
Gunumuzde “dinlerarasi diyalog”tan pek olumlu soz edemesek te, “dillerarasi diyalog” sanki daha renkli ve hareketli. Yarismamizin amaci da bu renkliligi ve cesitliligi karikatur araciligiyla olabildigince yansitabilmek. Diller arasindaki diyalogu en iyi yansitan karikaturler, ayni zamanda coğu“Don Quichotte Karikatur Komisyonu” uyesi 15 dunya cizerinden olusan juri tarafindan odullendirilecekler. 
1) Yarismaya sadece internet uzerinden katilabilinir. donquichotte@donquichotte.at 
2) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi ve yayinlanmamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz konusu olabilecektir. 
3) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 300 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir. 
Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her turlu boyama teknigi serbesttir. 
4) Gelen karikaturler oncelikle (www.donquichotte.at) internet sitesinin "Bugun” bolumunde sergilenecektir. Boylelikle kopya karikaturlerin veya sartnameye uymayan karikaturlerin elenerek, son zamanlarda oldukca sIk yasanan odul krizlerinin onlenebilecegini dusunuyoruz. 
5) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 31 Temmuz 2008'dir. 
6) Uluslararasi cizerlerden olusan secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri Eylul ayinda degerlendirecek, sonuclar ise 1 Ekim tarihinde aciklanacaktir. 
7) Odul toreni ve sergi, Ekim ayinda Esslingen kentinde gerceklesecektir. 
(Kesin tarih ve sergi salonunun yeri daha sonra aciklanacak.) www.donquichotte.at 
- Birincilik Odulu: 1000 Dolar, Ikincilik Odulu: 750 Dolar, Ucunculuk Odulu: 500 Dolar, “Necati Abaci” Ozel Odulu,Mansiyonlar 
- Agim Sulaj (Italya) 
- Ares (Kuba) 
- Benjamin Heine (Belcika) 
- Carlos Brito (Fransa) 
- Carlos Latuff (Brezilya) 
- David Baldinger (Amerika) 
- Erdogan Karayel (Almanya) 
- Firuz Kutal (Norvec) 
- Hasan Fazlic (Bosna&Hersek Cumhuriyeti) 
- Hicabi Demirci (Turkiye) 
- Julian Pena Pai (Romanya) 
- Marcin Bondarowicz (Polonya) 
- Marlene Pohle (Almanya) 
- Massoud Shojai (Iran) 
- Seyran Caferli (Azerbaycan) 
- Stephan Stotzler (Almanya) 

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