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Cartoon Contests-Karikatur Yarismalari- Cartoon competition

"CHOPIN'S SMILE" International Cartoon Competition / POLAND 30 November 2009
The competition is organised by the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw together with the CHOPIN 2010 Celebrations Office.
The Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw - www.chopin2010.pl
The Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Karykatury - SPAK www.spak.art.pl, 
Biuro Międzynarodowej Wystawy SATYRYKON w Legnicy www.satyrykon.pl
Stowarzyszenie DEBIUT w Zielonej Górze www.debiut.org.pl
-The aim of the 'Chopin's Smile' International Cartoon Competition is to popularise knowledge about the life and creativity of Fryderyk Chopin at home and abroad, by proxy of cartoon and satirical art. 
-The rules of the competition is also available on the following web pages: www.chopin2010.pl , www.spak.art.pl , www.satyrykon.pl , www.debiut.org.pl . Written invitations to participate in the competition have also been sent by letter together with the Competition's Regulations and the Entry Forms, directly to selected artists and to Polish and international artistic associations and organisations. 
This is an open competition aimed at professional artists working in the fields of caricature and satirical art, and at art students at higher educational establishments
-Original works (including computer graphics) may be submitted in the technique of one's choice - drawing, painting, graphics, collage, in a format not exceeding A-3 (297x420 mm) in size. Computer printouts must be signed by hand. Photocopies of works are inadmissible. Contestants are hereby advised that works sent in by electronic mail shall be disqualified from participating in the competion. 
-Each participant may submit no more than 5 works. 
-Prize winning works from other competitions are barred from this competition. 
-Entries should carry the annotation "UŚMIECH CHOPINA" (CHOPIN'S SMILE) and must be delivered by the end of November (30 XI 2009) to the following address:
Muzeum Karykatury
ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warsaw, Poland
phone/fax. +48 (0) 22 827 88 95, www.muzeumkarykatury.pl
e-mail: muzeumkarykatury@poczta.wp.pl
Competition office: phone +48 (0) 22 828 76 01 
-Each entry must carry the name and surname of its author, and the work's title/caption should it have one. An Entry Form should be attached to each submission. Receipt of the Entry Form shall be regarded as tantamount to the entrant?s consent for his/her personal data as disclosed in the Entry Form to be made public. 
-Participants must deliver their entries to the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art by delivery fi rms or in person, at their own expense. The organisers of the competition disclaim any responsibility for any damage sustained by works entered for the competition while in transit. 
Deadline for submission of entries - November 30, 2009
Meeting of the International Jury - December 5, 2009
Announcement of the results of the competition on the websites
of the organisers and the partners - January 2010
Post-competition exhibition at the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw - June-October 2010
Official awards' ceremony - September 2010
The entries shall be assessed by an International Jury consisting of eminent cartoonists, art critics, musicians and representatives of the organisers 
The Jury shall award the following Regulation Prizes:
Grand Prix - 15.000 - PLN (ca. 3400 euro)
I Prize - 10 000 PLN (ca. 2250 euro)
II Prize - 8 000 PLN (ca. 1800 euro)
III Prize - 6 000 PLN (ca. 1350 euro)
3 Distinctions - 3 000 PLN (ca. 675 euro each) * 
* All cash prizes are quoted in gross figures and are subject to taxation in accordance with Polish regulations.
Terms and conditions of collecting cash prizes: attendance of the winners at the awards' ceremony or their collection in person from the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art's office in Warsaw, or by giving their bank account numbers into which their prize money is to be transferred. 
The Jury reserves the right to establish the final amounts in cash prizes to be paid out of the Regulation Prizes, to adjust their levels or not to confer prizes. The decision of the Jury is fi nal and irrevocable. 
In addition, prizes funded by other institutions or sponsors are envisaged. 
Participation in the competition constitutes an unequivocal expression of consent to participate in the post-competition exhibition and the reproduction of entries, on a free of charge basis, for the purpose of advertising this exhibition in any and all media, in an unlimited number of editions, without remuneration, and also incorporating their reproductions in publications accompanying the post-competition exhibition. Copies of the works may be exhibited beyond the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art, in travelling exhibitions at home and abroad, once the post-competition exhibition closes. 
The ownership of, and all attendant rights to, the prize-winning and officially distinguished entries shall transfer to the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw. Moreover, the Museum reserves the right to choose and add to its own collection one work from each of the artists displayed at the post-competition exhibition. The ownership of works receiving awards from other institutions and sponsors shall be transferred to such institutions and sponsors. 
The authors of works selected for the post-competition exhibition shall each receive an exhibition catalogue. The competition's award winners shall be invited to participate in the official awards' ceremony and shall be assured 3 nights' hotel accommodation. Travel costs incurred in participating in these ceremonies shall NOT be refunded.
Entries sent to the competition's organisers should be collected by the end of November 2010 or, upon request, may be sent back at the addressee's expense.
The submission of an entry into the competition signifi es its Author's unequivocal acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Regulations. 
PDF - The competion rules and the entry form download (296 KB)http://www.muzeumkarykatury.pl/regulamin_konkursu.pdf
The CHOPIN 2010 Celebrations Office www.chopin2010.pl
The Association of Polish Cartoonists - SPAK www.spak.art.pl
The SATYRYKON - LEGNICA International Exhibition Office www.satyrykon.pl
The Association DEBIUT in Zielona Góra www.debiut.org.pl

"Chopin Gülüşü" Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması / POLONYA 30 Kasım 2009

Bu yarışma Chopin’in 200. doğum yıldönümü dolayısıyla Varşova Karikatür Müzesi ile Chopin 2010 Kutlama Ofisi tarafından, Varşova Fryderyk Chopin Enstitüsü, Varşova Fryderyk Chopin Müzesi, Polonya Karikatürcüler Derneği (SPAK), SATYRYKON – LEGNICA Uluslararası Sergileme Ofisi ve Zielona Góra DEBUT derneği işbirliğiyle düzenlenmektedir.
1. Yarışmanın amacı, karikatür ve hiciv sanatı aracılığıyla Fryderyk Chopin’in yaşamı ve sanatı konusunda bilgilerin yurtiçinde ve dış ülkelerde yayılmasını sağlamaktır.
2. Yarışma konusunda bilgiler 1 Ağustos’tan itibaren şu sitelerde duyurulacaktır: http://www.muzeumkarykatury.pl/ , http://www.chopin2010.pl/ , http://www.spak.pl/, http://www.satyrykon.pl/, http://www.debiut.org.pl/ . Ayrıca seçilmiş çizer ve kuruluşlar şartname ve katılım formu yollanarak davet edilecektir.
3. Yarışma, karikatür sanatçılarına ve yüksek okul öğrencilerine açıktır.
4. Orijinal olmak koşuluyla (dijital işler dahil) teknik serbesttir (desen, yağlıboya, grafik, kolaj).
Boyut: En fazla A-3 (297 x 420 mm).
Bilgisayar çıktıları elle imzalanmalıdır. Fotokopi ve e-mail ile katılım kabul edilmez.
5. Sayı: En çok 5 eser.
6. Daha önce ödül kazanmış eserler bu yarışmaya katılamaz.
7. Eserler Chopin Gülüşü anlamında UŚMIECH CHOPINA ya da CHOPIN’S SMILE diye not düşülmüş olarak Kasım ayı sonuna kadar (30 XI 2009) şu adrese ulaştırılmalıdır:
Muzeum Karykatury ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warsaw, Poland
tel/fax. +48 (0) 22 827 88 95, http://www.muzeumkarykatury.pl/
e-mail: muzeumkarykatury@poczta.wp.pl
Yarışma ofisi: tel. +48 (0) 22 828 76 01
8. Her eserde sanatçı adı, soyadı (name, surname) ve varsa eser adı/altyazı (title/caption) yer almalıdır. Her katılımcı bir katılım formu eklemelidir.
Son katılma: 30 Kasım 2009
Jüri: 5 Aralık 2009
Sonuç açıklama: Ocak 2010
Varşova Karikatür Müzesi’nde sergileme: Haziran – Ekim 2010
Ödül töreni: Eylül 2010
Büyük Ödül – 15 000 PLN (yaklaşık 3 400 €)
I. Ödül – 10 000 PLN (yaklaşık 2 250 €)
II. Ödül – 8 000 PLN (yaklaşık 1 800 €)
III. Ödül – 6 000 PLN (yaklaşık 1 350 €)
3 Mansiyon – herbiri 3 000 PLN (yaklaşık 675 €)*
* Nakit ödüllerden yasal vergi kesintisi yapılır. Ödül kazananların 3 günlük konaklaması karşılanır, ulaşım ödenmez.
Ayrıca özel ödüller verilecektir. Ödül kazanan eserler geri verilmez.
Seçilenlerin bir eseri müze koleksiyonuna alınır, kendilerine albüm gönderilir. Öteki eserler Kasım 2010 sonuna kadar geri alınabilir, ya da posta gideri karşılanma koşuluyla istenirse geri gönderilir.
Tüm koşullar ve katılım formu:


Eryk Lipiński (1908-1991)
George Sand to Chopin: Oh! Frycek! You are pressing the wrong keys... (1985)

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