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The 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 25 April 2015

T h e m e : The Victory
• 1 cartoon, A4, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 25 /4 / 2015
• Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants (They will participate only in exhibition, Not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes (Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards . ... etc) 
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
along with Artist’s recent C.V, address (doc format), and personal photo.
Syria Cartoon website:

Similar Cartoons  Benzer Karikatürler

1st International Cartoon Exhibition SISAK 

25 June 2015

The organizer of the 1st International Cartoon Exibition Sisak 2015 is the City of Sisak, Croatian Cartoonist Association and Museum of the City of Sisak.
The project leader and the president of the Organizing Committee Mr. Nenad Ostojić.
A.PARTICIPATION: The festival is open to everyone, regardless nationality, age, sex, or profession.
B.THEME: „Jazz & Blues“ (gag or caricature portrait to the set topic)

rules for click here - kurallar için tıklayın

Vladimir Kazanevsky Exhibition Ukraine

 12th of April 2015

Personal exhibition of paintings and graphics by Ukrainian artist Vladimir Kazanevsky will open from 1st till 12th of April 2015 in National museum named Taras Shevchenko (address: Taras Shevchenko Ave., 12, Kiev city, Ukraine).

26 Mart 2015 11:48 / Vladimir Kazanevsky

2015 Golden Hat: Point of view of the jury...

*On Saturday 24 January the jury announced the winners of the Golden Hat of Knokke-Heist's Cartoon Festival.
The announcement of the winners sparked a discussion on social media regarding the originality of the works. Is it plagiarism or not?

*Point of view of the jury:
The jury of the Cartoon Festival followed the discussion with considerable admiration. It is an interesting discussion for which no clear-cut answer can be given.
The jury is of the opinion that the works are not copies and therefore do not constitute plagiarism.
The jury emphasises there are essential differences in the drawings. We therefore consider every winning cartoon to be an authentic cartoon.
The organisation of the Cartoon Festival will have the description of plagiarism studied in more detail and possibly adopt measures to prevent similar discussions in the future.
On behalf of the jury of the Cartoon Festival
Walter Baele

Knokke Heist 2015 Grand Prize & Zilveren & Bronzen Hoed

Sadık Özürk "Güvercinlerin Gözyaşları"

27 Mart - 25 Nisan 2015

Kıbrıs Şehitleri Cad. Yüzbaşı Şerafettin Bey Sok. No:9, Alsancak - İzmir
0232- 4653105

Çizer ve Hukuk İnsanı Av.Ertuğrul Sakaoğlu'nu Kaybettik...

1955 Bartın doğumlu olan Ertuğrul Sakaoğlu İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk fakültesini bitirdi. Üniversite yıllarında karikatür çizmeye başladı. Çizdiği yerler genellikle sendikal basın başta olmak üzere çeşitli sanat dergileriydi. Turizm-İş Sendikası, Disk Bank-Sen ve Disk Maden-İş sendikalarının yayın organları ile Günlük Politika Gazetesi ve Yansıma Kültür Sanat Dergisi, eserlerinin yayınlandığı başlıca gazete ve dergilerdir. Aynı zamanda sendikamız Disk Birleşik Metal-İş'in de avukatlarındandı. İzmit Barosu ile Karikatürcüler Derneği üyesi idi. Sakaoğlu, 1980 öncesinde İGD Gaziosmanpaşa şubesi başkanlığını yapmıştır.

6th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2015 "SPYING" 29th of March !!!


scroll down for German version
Dear Cartoonists
We have decided to extend the competition until 29th of March !!!
With best regards
Valeriu Kurtu, Rais Khalilov, Michael Rufmann and Paul Gross


CARTOONALE BRUGGE 2015, Theme: 'Freedom'Tema: 'ÖZGÜRLÜK'
Participation is free of charge!
The central theme of the 7th edition of Cartoonale Brugge is "Freedom". In order to participate, simply send us your cartoons (max. 3) together with the completed application form / katılım formu (
click here - tıklayın ) and competition rules / kurallar ( click here - tıklayın ). The deadline for participation is 7 May '15. 
There are cash prizes of 1,500, 1,000 and 500 Euros. Furthermore, the winning cartoons will be given a central place in the exhibition that will take place in the Jan Garemijnzaal (City Halles) from 7 September until 25 October 2015.
Be creative with the theme of "Freedom" and you may win a great prize and/or see your work exhibited!

27 Şubat 2015 12:07 / cartoonale

Çetin Emeç Ödülleri'ni kazananlar belli oldu

Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC), Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi ve Hürriyet Gazetesi'nin iş birliğiyle düzenlenen "Çetin Emeç Gazetecilik Ödülleri" sahipleri belli oldu. Buna göre haber dalında Hürriyet Gazetesi'nden Arda Akın, Fotoğrafta AFP 'den Bülent Kılıç, Karikatür dalında ise Önce Vatan Gazetesi’nden Oğuz Gürel’in çizdiği; "Dolar’ın Düşüşü" konulu karikatürü ödüllendirdi.


Invitation – XVII International Open Cartoon Contest – BUSINESS TRIP-Zielona Góra 2015

The Society of Supporters of Cultural Activities “Debut” and the Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library in Zielona Góra (Poland) cordially invite to participate in the XVII International Open Cartoon Contest. This year theme is - BUSINESS TRIP
Attached are the rules for the Contest and the Entry Form.
Yours Faithfully,
The Debut Society,dr Andrzej Buck, President / 25 Şubat 2015 12:47


RECALL (to the Cartoonists who NOT SENT THEIR WORKS)
Dear cartoonist,
The theme of Light won more strenght after the darkness launched in the massacre of Paris, on tJanuary 7 that killed the President to the Jury of PortoCartoon, Georges Wolinski.
In this International Year of the Light, the cartoon brightness must establish itself as an appeal to the world: Do not hate, long live the humor!
This is a matter of major importance showing the many inequalities that exist worldwide.
We know there is a lot of darkness in different parts of the world and humor can relieve it.
Come on with the light of humor! With the bright focus on progress and distortions in the limelight and backstages. A undeniable truth: there is no light without shadow. Light and shadow are lovers, as the poet says!
+ Hemingway and CR7
For the Special Awards Caricature 2015 there are two great figures:
1 - The Portuguese player (from Madeira) Cristiano Ronaldo, a sports idol, winner of several balls and gold boots;
2 - and the American writer Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), Nobel Prize for Literature, who participated in the First World War, as a driver of the Red Cross and asjournalist of the Kansas City Star newspaper. This inspired him to write "A farewell to Arms" (1929), emblematic of his literary work. 
With your light, PortoCartoon 2015 will be the best lighthouse against the darkness. Will be a tribute to the Charlie journalists, and in in particular to Wolinski who will be appointed Honorary President.
Looking forward to receive your bright participation.
Warm regards
Luís Humberto Marcos
PortoCartoon-World Festival
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto - Portugal
Tel: +351 22 530 49 66

24 Şubat 2015 12:20 / PortoCartoon


*Kadın-Erkek Eşitliğinin sağlanması ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Ayrımının Kaldırılması; 
*KADINA KARŞI ŞİDDETİN ÖNLENMESİ, Kadına karşı şiddet ve cinsiyet temelli şiddetin tüm biçimlerinin ortadan kaldırılması ve cinsiyete dayalı kalıp yargıların ortadan kaldırılması; 
*Zorla ve genellikle erken yasta evlilikler, gayri resmi nitelikteki dini nikahlar, çok eşlilik ve namus cinayetleri konularında önleyici ve caydırıcı düzenlemeler yapılması; 
*AİLE İÇİ ŞİDDETİN önlenmesi ve aile içi kadın-erkek eşitliği bilincinin sağlanması; 
*Eğitimde fırsat eşitliği sağlanması; 
*Kadın istihdamının artırılması, kadın ve erkeğe eşit ekonomik özgürlük sağlanması, Kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik statülerinin güçlendirilmesin ve desteklenmesi; 
*Siyasette ve karar almada eşit temsil, etkin katılım hakkının sağlanması; 
*Kadınların her türlü eğitim, bilgi, destek, koruma olanaklarına kolayca ulaşabilmelerini sağlayacak destek ve dayanışma merkezlerinin açılması; 
*Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin önlenmesi ve kadın haklarının geliştirilmesi gibi başlıca KADIN SORUNLARINA DİKKAT ÇEKMEK, “KADIN CİNAYETLERİNE VE KADINA KARŞI ŞİDDETE DUR DEMEK İÇİN” bir “KARİKATÜR SERGİSİ” düzenlemek ve bu sergiyi, ÖZGECAN ASLAN’a ve tüm şiddet mağduru kadınlara atfetmek istemekteyiz. Bu düşüncelerle, karikatür sergisinin, Özgecan Aslan’ın en son özgürce dolaştığı yer olan Tarsu Alışveriş Merkezinde, 07.03.2015 tarihinde yapılması uygun görülmüştür.
Karikatürler en az 150 dpi taranmalı ve en geç 05.03.2015 tarihine kadar adresine e-mail yoluyla gönderilmelidir.
Bu etkinliği gerçekleştirebilmemiz, ancak destekleriniz ile mümkün olup, desteklerinizi esirgemeyeceğinizi ümit etmekte ve şimdiden teşekkür etmekteyiz.
Av.Ünzüle Küçüköner
Tarsus Şelale Soroptimist Kulübü (İş ve Meslek Kadınları) Derneği. Başkanı

XX° Salón Mercosur Internacional Premio Diógenes Taborda / 15 August 2015

XX° Mercosur International Cartoon Contest Diógenes Taborda 
*Theme: Music TANGO
Límite de envío/Deadline: 15 de Agosto /August 15th
Inauguración/Opening: 21 de Septiembre /September 21th
Entrega de premios/Awards: 21 de Septiembre /September 21th
*Categories: Cartoon (graphic humor) , Comic Strips/Comic Stories (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stpries will be accepted with a maximum of 03 pages), Caricature (graphic humor
that expresses the physical and/or personality character known), illustration + Special Prize to the artwork most voted by the public.
*Requirements: The graphicl tehnique is free. The entry form or a word document with the artist name, address, telephone, e-mail, website and a small biography. Each artist may enter with a maximum of 03 works per category in a size that no exceed 30x40 cm., digitalized in 300 DPI in RGB or CMYK and in JPG format. The works should be sent by e-mail to this e-mail addresses: –
*Prizes: The Big Prize Diogenes Taborda 2015 will win a personal exhibition exclusive about him the Night of the Museums of Buenos Aires 2016 (the most popular day of the argentinean museums) and a colective exhibition the other 4 awarded artists in the 4 categories during the next year to be realized in the Cartoon Museum Diogenes Taborda, el día de la historieta. Also will be edited a postcard in 10x15 cm with 4 colors. 1.000 copies and a diploma will be sent to the awarded artists.
*Additional information: A simple application requires the artist to acceptance of these regulations. The artists selected tranfer automatically authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions in any media, without restriction, aiming to promote the event; and allows to the Cartoon Museum Diógenes Taborda to use this artwork in any other exhibitions.
Museo del Humor Grafico Diógenes Taborda
XX° Mercosur International Cartoon Contest Diógenes Taborda
XX° Salón Mercosur Internacional Premio Diógenes Museo de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda

Daily Güncel

Freedom of expression in the middle East....

Cartoons by: Fadi Abou Hassan


The International Site, CRISAN Publishing House, The ACCES Association (as the organizers) and The Founders (Horia CRISAN & Liviu STANILA),Are very glad to invite you to participate in The 9th HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST Deva, Romania, 2015
R U L E S 2015
1. The 9th HumoDEVA ICC is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest, the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE on HumoDEVA’s site.
2. The artworks must be presented in a FREE THEME - MY BEST OF 2014, (your best cartoons made in 2014) or/and on THE THEME - SEX, LOVE AND… MONEY!
3. Deadline: April 30, 2015.
4. You can submit max 5 works, made in 2014, for FREE THEME and max 5 works for THEME SECTION. The cartoons must not contain text. The name of the uploaded cartoons must contain the entrant’s family name, first name, country and title of work (in english). The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format, with the maximum limit of 2 MB. 
5. Upload your cartoons here! (To finish, click DONE in the up right side, on green.) 
Separately please send at the e-mail address the author’s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.
6. The cartoons submitted to the contest will be exhibited on the HumoDEVA 2015 web site for the attention and objection of all cartoonists to prevent similarity, copying and steeling. Any cartoon which is similar, copied or stolen will not be awarded. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDEVA 2015 web site .
7. The Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no mater the categories:
GOLD PRIZE 500$, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on 
SILVER PRIZE 400$, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on
BRONZE PRIZE 300$, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on
10 EXCELLENCY Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on
Jury’s decisions are final. Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges. The original drawings of the prize winning entries should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wraped and protected against damages. The mail address for sending winning originals is: CRISAN Publishing House, Mihai Viteazu street , bl. 47, ap 1, 330091 Deva, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA.
8. By participating, entrants grant the organizing body the right to use their entries as advertising for the HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest and for the site (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogues, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors.
9. For further information, e-mail: .
10. By submitting the works to The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above. 
Horia CRISAN Founder of,Liviu STANILA Co-founder and art director of The HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST – Deva, Romania

Daily Güncel

Cem Koç - Türkiye

The 15th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 3 April 2015

Dear fellow cartoonists,
Please find enclosed the call for entries to this year's contest.
Thank you in advance for your submission.
Guy Badeaux
Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom
Twitter: @CDN_WPF

Here are the rules and regulations:
The 15th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom
1. The theme for the 15th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is: 
The price of freedom
Last year was difficult for cartoonists worldwide.
In Venezuela, Rayma Subrani was fired from the newspaper "El Universal" for linking former President Chavez to the problems of the health system.
Turkish cartoonist Mehmet Düzenli was jailed for "insulting" Adnan Oktar, a controversial Muslim preacher.
France experienced the worst terrorist attack in it’s soil when five "Charlie Hebdo" cartooonists were murdered in the office of the satirical magazine.
Freedom of the press has a value but it also has a price.
2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence,’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our Editorial Cartoon Competition and World Press Freedom Day. 
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Canada on Friday April 30, 2015 as well as being advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site:
8. The winning cartoons will be exhibited at the luncheon.
Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi
The deadline for receipt of cartoons is 5 p.m. GMT, Friday, April 3, 2015.
Send submissions by e-mail to :

Daily Güncel

Cem Koç - Türkiye


(To be held in 5th April 2015)

Foreign Cultural Relations Sector, Ministry of Culture In Egypt, organizes in cooperation with Egyptian Caricature Society, 2nd International Cartoon Gathering.
Eligible Participants
Open to all artists from all over the world above 18
1- Health
2- Free
Technical Criteria:
·All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi
·Actual size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPG format.
·Submitted works can be in color or black and white , in any style or technique
·Number of entries is unlimited.
·Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
·By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the organizers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. 
•The entry should be submitted to –
Latest by 10th March 2015
• The submission should contain the candidate’s:
~ Full Name
~ e-mail address 
~ Contact no
~ Full address
~ Date of birth (date-month-year)
A brief C.V in English and passport size photo of the artist should be submitted as well.
Selection Criteria:
·Entries will be judged by prominent Jury based on the quality of work submitted.
·A catalogue of selected artworks will be printed, a copy of which will be sent to the selected authors.
For more details please visit:
or contact us at :

Similar Cartoons  Benzer Karikatürler

Results of Satyrykon 2015 Sonuçlar 

The protocol of the jury session of International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2015

21 February 2015 Jury represented by: The chairman EUGENIUSZ SKORWIDER (PL)
having seen 2.222 works by 606 authors, who come from 51 countries of the world, the Jury has awarded Grand Prix Satyrykon 2015 and money award in amount of 8,000 PLN to Mr ANDREI POPOV (Russia) for his work Illusionist.
The Jury has also awarded the following regular prizes:
*Section I: enthusiasm:
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000 to Ms KATARZYNA BOGUCKA (Poland) for her work Sale
2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500 to Mr ROBERT KEMPISTY (Poland) for his untitled work 
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000 to Mr MIROSŁAW GRYŃ (Poland) for his work Method
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr AGIM SULAJ (Italy) for his untitled work
Ms MILENA MOLENDA (Poland) for her untitled work
*Section II: joke and satire:
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000 to Mr ALESSANDRO GATTO (Italy) for his work „Riflesso”
2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500 to Mr LEX DREWIŃSKI (Germany/Poland) for his work Double work
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000 to Mr ARTUR LIGENZA (Poland) for his work Women’s Day
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr POL LEURS (Luxembourg) for his work No future
Mr MARCIN WAWRZASZEK (Poland) for his work Europe 2050
That way the protocol was close.
s p e c i a l a w a r d s:
The Diretctor of Warsaw Museum of Caricature award in amount of PLN 4.000 for Mr PAWEŁ STAŃCZYK (Poland) for his work W stronę słońca
The Director of Legnica Culture Centre Award in amount of PLN 4.000 for Mr LUC DESCHEEMAEKER (Belgium) for his work Teddy

01_Andrey Popov Ilusionist Grand Prix Andrei Popov „Ilusionist”, Satyrykon 2015 Grand Prix

02_Katarzyna Bogucka Przecena złoty medal E Katarzyna Bogucka „Sale”, gold medal, section Enthusiasm

03_Robert Kempisty srebrny bez tytułu medal E Rober Kempisty, untitled, silver medal, section Entusiasm

04_ Mirosław Gryń Metoda brązowy medal E Mirosław Gryń „Method”, bronze medal, section Entusiasm

05_Agim Sulaj, bez tytułu wyróżnienie E Agim Sulaj untitled, distinction award, section Enthusiasm

06_Milena Molenda bez tytułu wyróżnienie E Milena Molenda, untitled, disctinction award, section Enthusiasm

07_Alessandro Gatto Riflesso złoty medal ŻiS Alessandro Gatto „Riflesso” gold medal, section Joke and satire

08_ Lex Drewiński Double work srebrny medal ŻiS Lex Drewiński „Double work”, silver medal, section Joke and satire

09_ Artur Ligenza Dzień Kobiet brązowy medal ŻiS Artur Ligenza „Women’s day”, bronze medal, section Joke and satire

10_Pol Leurs No future wyróżnienie ŻiS Pol Leurs „No future”, distinction award, section Joke and satire

11_Marcin Wawrzaszek Europa 2050 wyróżnienie ŻiS Marcin Wawrzaszek „Europe 2050″, distinction award,section Joke and satire

12_Paweł Stańczyk W stronę słońca nagroda MK E Paweł Stańczyk „W stronę słońca”, a Director of Warsaw Museum of Caricature award

13Luc Descheemaeker Teddy Nagroda Dyrektora LCK Luc Descheemaeker „Teddy”, a Director of Legnica Culture Centre award


KARIKATURUM8 International Forum of Visual Humor Surgut 2015 – 2016

1.TheKARIKATURUM International Forum of Visual Humor is an open competition, happy to accept works from both professional artists and amateurs, regardless of education, age, sex, nationality, and citizenship. 
2.The Forum is organized by the Surgut Government Department of Culture, Youth Policy, and Sport and the Surgut Fine Arts Museum.
3.The KARIKATURUM 8 International Forum of Visual Humor has one discipline – caricature. 
*Forum Timeline:
Announcement of the competition – December 2014
Deadline for submitting entries – April 15, 2015 
Work of the Jury – May 14-19,2015
Awardceremonyandexhibitionopening– June, 11-12 2016
Exhibition will remain open – June–August 2016
1.Alexander Sergeev/Russia / - Artist, Cartoonist
2.Vladimir Stepanov/Russia / -Artist, Cartoonist
3.Igor Pashchenko/Russia / -Artist, Cartoonist
4.IvailoTsvetkov/Bulgaria/ - Artist, Cartoonist
5.Svetlana Kruglova/Russia / -Directorofthe Surgut Fine Arts Museum
*Main Prizes:
1stplaceGOLDEN USHANKA 100 000 rubles, 80 000 rubles
2ndplaceSILVER USHANKA 60 000 rubles,
3rdplaceBRONZE USHANKA 40 000 rubles
3 special prizes 90 000 rubles
Cash prizes are paidin rubles and are subject to taxation asper the Russian legislation.
1. Requirements for Entries:
1.1.Thecompetitiononlyacceptsoriginalsfromparticipantswho have the copyrights for their works.Entries received by email, copies and printed versions are not accepted. Works that have already received prizes at other competitions are only accepted if they are accompanied by information on when and where they were awarded. Thejuryretainstherighttoaddornotaddthemtothelist of prizewinning works.
1.2.Acceptedtechniques: painting, graphic, prints (etching, lithography, woodcutting, linocuts).
1.3.Entry size can range fromА4 (210х297) to А2 (420х590).
1.4.Each participant can send an unlimited number of caricatures. 
1.5.Postage and handling of the entries is paid for by the participants. Worksmustbecarefullypackaged. The organizers are not responsible for any damage incurred during transportation.
1.6.Allentriesmustbeaccompaniedbyan Application Form including the author’s name, surname, telephone number, fax number, e-mail and address. The form should be filled in block letters. Unaccompanied entries are not accepted in the competition. 
1.7.Theentriesmusthavethenameandsurname of the author as well as the year of their creation, materials and techniques used on their reverse sides.
1.8.Theorganizersguarantee that all operations with the personal data of participants will be conducted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law from July 27, 2006 № 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data”).
1.9.The copyrights for theirworks, titles and texts are owned by the authors and are inalienable. Every author is responsible for his or her work in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Exclusive rights to their cartoons remain with the author sunless they turnthemoverinadeedofgift(Art. 1291 of the RF Civil Code).
1.10.Submitted cartoons will not bereturne
dand will remain in the collection of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum. The museum gladly accepts the gifted worksand urges authors to express their will by filling adeed of gift (deed of gift form supplied) in favor of the museum collection to send ittogether with their entries and application forms.
1.11.Entries maybe puton display at the Surgut Fine Arts Museum as well as other museums, galleries, exhibition halls, and the museum’s website at the organizers’ discretion.
1.12.The organizers reserve theright to publish received works in the mediain cluding thein terne tandreplicate the min Forum advertisements  without paying the author but indicating their name, surname and country. 
*2. SpecialConditions:
2.1.The main prize winners and jury members of the Forum will receive free transportto and from the award ceremony byanymodeoftransportationfrom any single city of the Russian Federation as well as free accommodation at the Surgut Hotel.Paymentfortaxis, passenger meeting services, and accommodation in transit points is not included.
2.2.The main cash prizes maybe divided between severalen triesat the jury’s discretion.
2.3.The organizers and sponsors of the forum reserve the right to establish special prizes after receiving the entries. 
2.4.A catalog will be published after the competition. Allauthorswhoseworksare included will receive a free copy. 
2.5.Youcanfindmoreinformationaboutthe KARIKATURUM 8 International Forum of Visual Humor at: RUS
2.6.The fact of participation in the Forum implies that participants have accepted the above conditions. 
*Entries should be sent to the following address:
International Forum of Visual Humor 
Surgut Fine Arts Museum, 
30 Let Pobedy Street, bld. 21/2, 
Surgut, Tyumen Oblast, Russia, 628403
*Phone numbers: +7 (3462)51-68-12,51-68-13; 51-68-08; Phone number / fax: +7 (3462)51-68-16;e-mail:
*Pleasepass on the information about the Forum to your friends 


Cartoon, humour, satire, comics !
SPECIAL HUMOUR A GALLARATE - Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni' 20th-21th edition - 2015
Deadline: March 15, 2015
Total Prizes: 3.000 €uro 
Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni", Prize Osvaldo Cavandoli "Cava" + Special Prizes
Dear colleague,
we remember you to participate in 20th-21th edition of HUMOUR A GALLARATE International Cartoon Contest - Gallarate (Italy) organized by Pro Loco of Gallarate and dedicated to Marco Biassoni (1930-2002) one of the greatest italian Masters of graphic, humour, cartoons and advertising.
The 20th and 21th edition of Humour a Gallarate - Grand Prix Marco Biassoni are unified as an extraordinary event to celebrate the coincidence with Expo 2015 World Exposition, to be held in Milan from 1 May to 30 October. 
*Themes/Konular: THE GLOBAL MARKET
Sections A) Graphics/Cartoon | B) Satire | C) Caricature 
Total Prizes: 3.000 €uro 
Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work between all sections (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - 1.000 €uro + diploma
1st Prize for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - 500 €uro + diploma
Special Prize of Jury for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - diploma
5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - diploma
Special Prize Osvaldo Cavandoli "Cava" (creator of the famous character "La Linea") for the best work of all sections, that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution - 500 €uro + diploma 
Deadline: March 15, 2015 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
Attached the complete regulations and entry-form (doc format)
1) The contest is open to all professional cartoonists, caricaturists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. The contest is articulated in 3 sections (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)
Sections A) Graphics/Cartoon | B) Satire | C) Caricature 
It's possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original, UNPUBLISHED WORK, and accompanied by the author's photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back. The authors have to indicate the section for each work. 
4) Size/Ölçü: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. The works produced with graphics programs, will be accepted for the competition ONLY if sent in hard copy, signed by the author. COPIES OF WORKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 
The works submitted in digital format, via email or digital devices, will not be considered for the awards, but only for the exhibition and the catalogue. 
6) Deadline/Son Gönderme: March, 2015 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Jury/Jüri: the selection of works and the awarding of prizes is exclusive jurisdiction of the Jury, appointed by the Pro Loco Gallarate, that will meet on 28th of March 2015 in Gallarate. The jury's decision is final. 
8) Prizes/Ödüller: the Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work between all sections (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - 1.000 €uro + diploma
1st Prize for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - 500 €uro + diploma
Special Prize of Jury for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - diploma
5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature) - diploma
Special Prize Osvaldo Cavandoli "Cava" (creator of the famous character "La Linea") for the best work of all sections, that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution - 500 €uro + diploma
9) Exhibition: May 3 - June 30, 2015 at the Minoletti building, Garibaldi Square - Gallarate.
Opening ceremony: May 3, 2015 at 11:00 AM
All authors who will attend the opening ceremony are invited to a rustic lunch.
10) Catalogue: each selected author, exhibited in shows and published in the catalogue, will receive a complimentary copy of the same 
11) Property: the Organizers reserves the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Humour Gallarate Collection".
By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco Gallarate
Vicolo del Gambero n. 10
21013 Gallarate (VA)
For any further information and communication:
Segreteria Pro Loco Gallarate
tel/fax (+39)0331-774968
Timetable Humour a Gallarate 2015
Deadline: March 15, 2015
Jury meeting: March 28, 2015 
Opening and prize distribution: May 3, 2015 
Exhibition: May 3 - June 30, 2015
All the regulations, exhibits and galleries

"Güzel Bir İnsanı" Sezer Odabaşıoğlu'nu Kaybettik...

01.07.1948 - 31 Ocak 2015

Güle güle güzel insan...Nurlar içerisinde ve Allah'ın rahmeti üzerine olsun... Ailesine ve Karikatürcü dostlarına başsağlığı diliyoruz... Karcomics Magazine 
Sezer Odabaşıoğlu; 01.07.1948 tarihinde Akşehir’de doğdu. Çeşitli sanatsal etkinliklerde bulunan sanatçının şiir, öykü ve günceleri çeşitli yayın organlarında yayınladı.
1973 yılından bu yana karikatür çizen sanatçının ilk karikatürü Gırgır Mizah Dergisi’nde yayınlandı.
Daha sonraları Akbaba, Zühtü, Çivi, Sanat Rehberi, Yeni Çuval, Tebessüm, Karakare, Öğretmen Dünyası, Zeytin Ülkesinde Sanat, Yeşil Akşehir ve Milliyet Sanat vb. dergilerinde yer aldı.
Akşehir (Nasrettin Hoca), Gabrovo, Vercelli, Pescara, Knokke-Heist, Cuba, Ancona, Atina, Tokyo, Skopje, Mexico, Pıstoıa, Beringen, Trento, Amstelveen, Belgrad, Kruıshoumem, Duisburg, Foligno, Marostica, Gazi Magusa, Tayvan ve vb. gibi uluslar arası karikatür yarışma ve sergilerine katıldı.
Karikatürleri, ulusal ve uluslar arası karikatür sergi ve albümlerinde yer aldı.
On üç kez karikatür sergisi açan sanatçının karikatürleri, başta Tolentino Dün-ya Karikatür Müzesi’ne olmak üzere birçok Dünya Karikatür Müzesine alındı.
Katıldığı ulusal ve uluslar arası karikatür yarışmalarında çeşitli ödüllere değer görülen sanatçı, ayrıca -aç çocuklara yardım- amacıyla birkaç karikatürünün satış bedelinin açlıkla mücadele alanında kullanılmasından dolayı “Waddingtons Cartoon Awards” tarafından “Onur Sertifikası” ile ödüllendirildi.
Durakta Çizgi Var, (1989), Yaşayan Mizah Nasrettin Hoca, (1998) ve Temiz Çevre Temiz Yaşam, (2000), karikatür albümleri yayımlandı.
Karikatürcüler Derneği, Edebiyatçılar Derneği, MESAM ve BESAM üyesi olan ve Öğretmenlikten emekli olduktan sonra İzmir’e yerleşen Odabaşıoğlu, 31 Ocak 2015 tarihinde İzmir'de vefat etmiştir... 
Sezer Odabaşıoğlu; Aksehir was born in 1948. The artist in a variety of artistic activities, poetry, short stories and diaries published in various publications.
This fun that draws a cartoon caricature of the artist since 1973, first published in the Journal of Humor. Later, Vulture, Zühtü, Nail, Art Guide, New Bag, Smile, Karakare, World Teacher, Olive Country Art, Green Art, etc. Aksehir and nationality. took part in magazines.
Aksehir (Nasreddin Hodja), Gabrovo, Vercelli, Pescara, Knokke-Heist, Belgium, Cuba, Ancona, Athens, Tokyo, Skopje, Mexico, Pistoia, Beringen, Trento, Amstelveen, Belgrade, Kruıshoumem, Duisburg, Foligno, Marostica, Famagusta, Taiwan and so on. As an international cartoon contest and participated in exhibitions. Cartoons, national and international cartoon exhibition, and took part in their albums.
Three times that cartoon exhibition on the artist's cartoons, especially Tolentino, including the Museum of World Cartoon World Cartoon Museum, were many.
Attended by national and international cartoon competitions prizes to be awarded for various artists, as well as help the children-to-open a few cartoonists in the fight against hunger due to the use of the sales price "Waddingtons Cartoon Awards" by the "Certificate of Honor" awarded.
There Are Stop Lines, (1989), Living Humor Nasreddin Hodja (1998) and the Clean Environment Clean Living, (2000), the cartoon was published in albums. 

Source: Click here

Mehmet Tubay Karikatür Sergisi 10-15 Şubat 2015


Dear friend cartoonist,
This year, 2015, as a result of the continual organization of the World Gallery of Cartoons from 1969, we are announcing its 46th edition.
You are invited to participate on the 46th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2015!
Following our principle of creating and preserving the art on paper, note that ONLY ORIGINAL WORKS - cartoons, satirical drawings and comics hand-drawn on paper will be considered in the selection process, and they should be sent to our address NO LATER THAN MARCH 31, 2015.
The international jury will judge in April 2015, the opening of the exhibition and the official announcement of the awards will take place on 28 May 2014 at OSTEN Gallery, Skopje. 
Follow us on FB, LinkedIn and Tweeter … and don’t forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. 
See the details on the link: 
Many greetings from Macedonia,
Mice Jankulovski

OSTEN - art on paper
World Gallery of Cartoons
8 Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
T +389 2 3213665 - M +389 71 225950
E -

46th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2015


The organizer of the competition is OSTEN Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
An international jury will appraise the short-listed works
The official announcement of the awards and the opening of the exhibition will take place on 28 May 2015 
at OSTEN Gallery, Skopje, Macedonia.
Categories: Cartoon • Satiric drawing • Comic-Strip (up to one panel of non-linguistic strip)
Theme / Technique: Free 
Format: ?4 (21,9 x 29,7) or ?3 (29,7 x 42,0)
The author can apply with several works, but STRICTLY with ORIGINALS (hand drawn works)
The application should be done with the Application Form that should be filled out (electronically or manually) 
and upon completion to be sent via post mail, accompanied by the works (author’s short bio and picture is preferable)
The submitted works shell become part of OSTEN collection
The works that will arrived on the address of OSTEN up to 31 March 2015 will be considered for selection ! 
The selectors Alla & Chavdar GEORGIEVI – Cartoonists from Bulgaria, will perform preliminary selection over the arrived original works
The short-listed works are eligible for awards and International jury decides for the awards
Midhad Ajanovic AJAN, Sweden (Cartoonist, animation films maker and publicist)
Stane JAGODIC, Slovenia (Independent cartoonist, editor and publicist)
Ass.Prof.Dr. M.Murat ERDOGAN, Turkey (Researcher, Director of EU Research Center)
Bernd POHLENZ, Germany (Cartoonist and Director of ‘Toonpool’)
Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia (Cartoonist and representative of OSTEN) 
AWARD CICO* (for Macedonian Cartoonist)* 
* In honor of the great Macedonian cartoonist Vasilije Popovic – Cico 
Short-listed works are exhibited at OSTEN Gallery from 28 May to 28 June 2015
Short-listed works are represented in the Catalog
Every cartoonist represented in the Catalog, will receive a copy via post mail
The organizer will cover the accommodation to the awarded cartoonists who will announce their presence up to 1 May, 2015 

Application form click here - Katılım formu için tıklayın

PORTOCARTOON 2015 - New Deadline For Acceptance Of Works - 2 March 2015 Yeni Tarih 2 Mart 2015

Dear Friend, 
We call your attention for the new deadline for acceptance of the works for 17th PortoCartoon: 2th March 2015. 
If you did not send you works, we would be very pleased to have your participation on the 17th PortoCartoon World Festival, which theme is "The Light".
Looking forward to receive your most appreciated participation,
We remain, with our warmest regards
Luís Humberto Marcos
PortoCartoon-World Festival
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto
Tel: 351+22 530 49 66
Caro Amigo,
Vimos renovar o convite para participar no XVII PortoCartoon-World Festival - "A Luz".
O novo prazo para a receção dos trabalhos termina a 2 de Março.
Se ainda não enviou os seus trabalhos, gostaríamos muito de poder contar com a sua participação!
Ficamos na expectativa, com as mais cordiais saudações,
Luís Humberto Marcos
PortoCartoon-World Festival
Museu Nacional da Imprensa
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto
Tel: 351+22 530 49 66

28 Ocak 2015 15:55 / portocartoon

Art Cultural Montly Visuals Magazine - January 2015 No:25


Free Download from Clock here - Dergiyi indirmek için tıklayın

Nilüfer Belediyesi 18 Mart Çanakkale Zaferi Anısına Karikatür Yarışması / Türkiye 3 Mart 2015

Son Katılım tarihi: 3 Mart 2015
Konu: “SAVAŞ ve BARIŞ”
Yarışma detayları;Bursa Nilüfer Belediyesi ve Anadolu Karikatürcüler Derneği işbirliğinde, 18 Mart Çanakkale Şehitlerini Anma Günü ve Şehitler Haftası etkinlikleri kapsamında uluslararası karikatür yarışması düzenlenmektedir. Yıkıcı etkisiyle savaşın tüm taraflarını derinden etkileyen yaklaşık 500 bin askerin öldüğü Gelibolu Cephesi, Anzak askerleri için de sömürge karşıtlığının oluşması ve millet olma bilincinin başlaması açısından oldukça önemlidir. Çanakkale Savaşı gündüz savaşan geceleri siperlerden birbirine sigara atan askerlerin hikayesidir. Yaşadığı toprakları koruyan Türk askerlerinin ve haritada yerini dahi bilmediği Çanakkale’ye savaşa gelen Anzak askerlerinin hikayesidir. Sömürge karşıtlığının arttığı savaştır. Nilüfer Belediyesi günümüz savaşlarına da gönderme yaparak, en etkili anlatım biçimlerinden olan karikatürü, anma etkinliklerine dahil etmek için bu organizasyonu Anadolu Karikatürcüler Derneği ile birlikte düzenlemektedir. Etkinlikte savaşı ve barışı anlatan her eser değerlendirmeye alınacaktır. 
Yarışma uluslararası platformda olup amatör, profesyonel tüm karikatürcülere açıktır.
Katılım;En fazla üç karikatür, e-posta ile 300 dpi jpg formatında, A4 boyutunda adresine gönderilecektir.
Gönderilen karikatürler yayınlanmış olabilir. Ancak başka bir yarışmada ödül almamış olmalıdır. 
Benzer ve kopya tespiti için gönderilen karikatürler web sitesinde 03-06 Mart 2015 tarihleri arasında yayınlanacaktır. Bu tarihten sonra yapılacak itirazlar dikkate alınmayacaktır. 
Jüri, 9 Mart 2015 Pazartesi günü toplanacaktır.
Jüri üyeleri; Ahmet Aykanat, Mehmet Kahraman, Cüneyt Şenyavaş, Kemal Akkoç, Halit Kurtulmuş, Nilüfer Belediyesi Temsilcisi, Nilüfer Belediyesi Temsilcisi
Yarışmaya gönderilen karikatürler Nilüfer Belediyesi organizasyonlarında (afiş, kitap, albüm, kartpostal, broşür, davetiye, sergi vs) basılıp kullanılabilecek, internet ortamında yayınlanabilecektir. Nilüfer Belediyesi, karikatürleri ticari amaçla kullanmayacaktır. Bunun dışında tüm yayın hakları eser sahibine aittir. Yarışmaya eser gönderen sanatçı bu şartları kabul etmiş sayılır.
Albüm yayını için seçilen karikatürlerden hazırlanacak yarışma albümü, albümde eseri olan 
karikatürcülere gönderilecektir.
Ödül töreni ve sergi, organizasyon komitesinin daha sonra belirleyeceği bir tarihte yapılacak ve yarışmaya katılan karikatüristlerle birlikte kamuoyuna duyurulacaktır.
Ödüller:Birincilik Ödülü 1000 USD ve Plaket, İkincilik Ödülü 700 USD ve Plaket, Üçüncülük Ödülü 500 USD ve Plaket, Üç adet mansiyon (100 USD ve Plaket)
Organizasyon Sorumlusu: Birgül Telli Uysal - İçerik Ofisi - -+90 224 233 66 92

International Cartoon Contest of Nilüfer Municipality / Türkiye 3 March 2015

Last Apply Date (Deadline): March 3, 2015
Concept (Theme): “War and Peace” (Who’ll go a waltzing Matilda with me). The concept refers to Eric Bogle’s song (And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda) which is dedicated to Gallipoli War in WW1.
Contest Details
18 March is the memorial date of Gallipoli Martyrs of World War 1. The cooperation of Nilüfer Municipality and Anatolian Cartoonists Association organizes a cartoon contest for that special day. The concept points out Scottish Singer Eric Bogle’s song, “And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda” which refers to Gallipoli War where more than 500 thousands soldiers lost their life. After war, antiwar movements substantially raised. 
2015 is the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli. This is why Nilüfer Municipality organized this contest under the concept of “War and Peace.” Every cartoon works relates to “War and Peace” will be evaluated.
This contest is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists of any nationality, religion and etc.
The number of entries is limited to 3.
The works have to be e-mailed as format of A4-300dpi-jpg to
It is acceptable to join to the contest with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition.
The cartoons which are suspected due to plagiarism are going to publish on the website, between the dates 3-6 March. Hence, the owners of the works have a last chance to defend their work. Any of apply after those dates won’t be accepted. 
Jury will be gathered on the 9th of March.
Jury members: Ahmet Aykanat, Mehmet Kahraman, Cüneyt Şenyavaş, Kemal Akkoç, Halit Kurtulmuş, Nilüfer Municipality Representative, Nilüfer Municipality Representative
All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes of Nilüfer Municipality and may be published for noncommercial aims such as poster, book, album, brochure, postcard, invitation, exhibition and etc. Other of any copyright belongs to the participated cartoonist. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions.
The contest album will be sent to participated cartoonist. 
The date of reward ceremony will be announced later by organization committee with the name of participated cartoonist. 
The following prizes are awarded: 1st prize $1000 + Trophy, 2st prize $700 + Trophy, 3rd prize $500 + Trophy, Honorable mention $100 + Trophy
For more information: Birgül Telli Uysal - Content Office - - +90 224 233 66 92 

28 ocak 2015 / mehmetkahraman

2. KalDer Ulusal Karikatür Yarışması Finale Kalanlar...

2. KalDer Bursa Ulusal Karikatür Yarışması sona ermiştir. 
Ön jürinin değerlendirmesiyle finale kalan eserler belirlenmiştir.
Finale kalan aşağıdaki eserlerle ilgili varsa benzer ve kopya itirazlarının 08 Şubat 2015 tarihine kadar adresine bildirilmesini rica ederiz.

çalışmaları görmek için tıklayın 

Similar Cartoons  Benzer Karikatürler

Knokke Heist 2015 Grand Prize & Zilveren & Bronzen Hoed

20th Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem Soil pollution and sanitation 2015

The jury nominated the following cartoonist (in alphabetical order) for a prize in the 20th edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem: 'Soil Pollution and Sanitation':
- Axinte Doru (Romania)
- D’Agostino Marco (Italy)
- Dalponte Paulo (Italy)
- Kuczynski Pawel (Poland)
- Leurs Pol (Luxemburg)
- Rafeei Sajad (Iran)
- Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz (Poland)
Are nominated for the prize of the best Belgian entry:
- Beyaert Herwig
- Hendrickx Nikola
- Sunnerberg Constantin
- Tasco Tony
Only on the prize giving ceremony the 28th of March the nominated cartoonists will know which prize they did win

The Results of International Cartoonfestival Knokke - Heist ' 2015 Kazananlar

Altın şapka: Vladimir Stankovski Sırbistan Karadağ - Gouden Hoed 2015: Vladimir Stankovski - Servië Montenegro - 'Scritch Screetch'

Gümüş şapka: Klaus Pitter Avusturya - Zilveren Hoed 2015
Klaus Pitter - Oostenrijk- 'Life Belt'

Bronz şapka: Mark Lynch'in Avustralya - Bronzen Hoed 2015
Mark Lynch - Australië - Ballerina

Davidsfonds: Alfons Vos Belçika - Davidsfonds 2015
Alfons Vos - België - 'Respect voor ons'

`GENDER` , Nuran Ermiş
Monday 26 January 2015 6:00 PM

Daily Güncel

Uğur Mumcu

Vahit Akça - Türkiye

Cemalettin Güzeloğlu'nun “Zarflardaki Karikatürler” sergisi 23 ocak - 25 şubat 2015

Cemalettin Güzeloğlu'nun “Zarflardaki Karikatürler” sergisi 23 ocak 2015'te Konak Belediyesi Neşe ve Karikatür Müzesi'nde açıldı. Cemalettin Güzeloğlu’nun 1976-2007 yılları arasında postaya vererek çeşitli kişilere gönderdiği mektup zarfları üzerine çizdiği renkli karikatürlerden oluşan sergide, çalışmaların orijinalleri ile sergi için büyük boyda hazırlanmış baskıları bir arada sergileniyor. Açılışta, mektuplardan önemli bir bölümünün muhatapları olan, Cemalettin Güzeloğlu’nun oğlu karikatürcü Cem Güzeloğlu ve eşi Nuran Güzeloğlu’nun yanı sıra Konak Belediyesi Kültür Müdürü Salim Çetin, Karikatürcüler Derneği İzmir Temsilcisi Mehmet Aslan, Cem Koç, Abidin Köse, Birol Çün, Ayten Köse, Eray Özbek, Mehmet Ali Güneş, Sadık Öztürk, Turan İyigün, İlker Nazcan da hazır bulundu. Sergi 25 şubata kadar izlenebilecek.

Konak Belediyesi Neşe ve Karikatür Müzesi
23 ocak-25 şubat 2015
Alsancak Mahallesi, Yüzbaşı Şerafettin Bey Sokak, No:9, Alsancak / İZMİR  Tel. 0.232. 465 31 05 karder

Finalist list of the Tourism Competition 2015

Dear Fellow Global Cartoonists,
After the meeting of the Pre-selection Committee on January 17, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey, the finalist cartoons of the 6th International Tourism Cartoon Competition were specified. 146 cartoons in the adult category and 34 cartoons in the youth category were chosen for the final evaluation.
The finalist cartoons will be displayed on the organization website (please see below) between January 22 and February 10, 2015 before the evaluation of the final selection committee. When you see any similar, copy cartoon/s or received an award before, and any fraud cartoon/s among the finalist cartoons, please write to organizing committee. Any objections to authenticity will be considered until February 10, 2015.
The finalist cartoons are displayed on this web page.
Click here
Note: All finalist cartoons displayed on the web page under the name of “Adult (1)” ….. and “Youth (1)” ….. When you report a cartoon, please write the label of the cartoon (you can see the label on the right of the screen when you click a picture). On the other hand, you can send the picture of the cartoon via e-mail.
Please write to: E-mail:
Nazmi Kozak

Değerli Çizerler, Mizahseverler..
Ön değerlendirme seçici kurul üyelerinin 17 Ocak 2015 tarihinde İstanbul’da yaptıkları toplantıdan sonra 6. Uluslararası Turizm Karikatürleri Yarışması’nda finale kalan eserler belli oldu. Yetişkinler kategorisinde 146, gençler kategorisinde ise 34 eser final değerlendirmesi için seçildi.
Finale kalan eserler final değerlendirmesinden önce, 22 Ocak ve 10 Şubat 2015 tarihlerinde yarışmanın sayfasında incelebilecek. Finale kalan karikatürler arasında benzer, kopya veya daha önce ödül almış ve hileli karikatürlere rastlarsanız, lütfen düzenleme kuruluna bildiriniz. Finale kalan eserlerle ilgili her türlü itiraz 10 Şubat 2015 tarihine kadar dikkat alınacaktır.
Finale kalan eserler aşağıdaki web adresinde görülebilir:


Bildirimler için: E-posta:
Not: Web sayfasında bütün karikatürler “Adult (1)” ….. ve “Youth (1)” …. şeklinde yer almaktadır. Bir karikatür ile ilgili bilgi vereceğiniz zaman, lütfen karikatürün etiket bilgisini yazınız (Etiket bilgisi karikatürün üzerine tıklandığında sağ tarafta görülecektir). Öte yandan, karikatürün kendisini de e-mail ortamında resim olarak gönderebilirsiniz.Nazmi Kozak

Daily Güncel

Serpil Kar - Türkiye

5th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition  Türkiye 10 May 2015

The international exhibition of satirical graphic-Bucovina 9.Edition / 30 April 2015

Dear cartoonist,
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava has the distinct pleasure of inviting you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 9 th Edition, 2015.
The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Ukraine: War and Peace”.
We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world, regardless of their age.
artistic manager, BOA
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava has the distinct pleasure of inviting you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 9 th Edition, 2015. 
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Ukraine: War and Peace”.
2. We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world, regardless of their age.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five (otherwise you will be disqualified).
4. Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV) (otherwise you will be disqualified)
5. The exhibition prizes are:
Grand prize– 500 € + diploma + gold medal
Second prize - 300 € + diploma 
Third prize - 100 € + diploma 
- Three mentions - diploma + medal
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or coloured.
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of
the Bucovina Museum and also on the webpages of the partners. All the artists who will qualify for the exhibition will receive the printed catalogue containing all the selected cartoons.
8. Deadline for sending your cartoons: 30 th of April 2015.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in June 2015.
10. Bucovina Museum – and „Gândeşte” Association – reserve the right to use the works submitted for the contest in any way suited to promote the contest and its results.
Jury Members: Mihai Panzaru Pim – cartoonist; George Licurici – cartoonist; 
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist
Artistic manager: BOA;, 

5. Uluslararası Turhan Selçuk Karikatür Yarışması Türkiye 10 Mayıs 2015

KONU: Serbest 
1- Yarışma tüm çizerlere açıktır.
2- Yarışmaya gönderilen karikatürler daha önce yayınlanmış olabilir. Ancak başka bir yarışmada ödül almamış olmalıdır.
3- Teknik serbesttir. Çizer yarışmaya en fazla 5 eserle katılabilir. Ancak eserler orijinal olmalıdır. Sanatçı tarafından (ıslak imza) imzalanması koşulu ile dijital baskı ürünler kabul edilir.
4- Gönderilecek karikatürlerin boyutu en fazla 30x40 cm. olmalıdır.
5- Katılımcılar, eserinin arkasına büyük harflerle adını, soyadını, adresini, e-postasını, ülkesini ve telefon numarasını yazmalı; kısa bir özgeçmişini zarfın içine koymalıdır.
6- Karikatürler, 10 Mayıs 2015 tarihine kadar aşağıdaki adrese gönderilmiş olmalıdır.
Milas Belediyesi Kültür Sanat Birimi 
48200 - Milas - Muğla / TÜRKİYE
7- Yarışma sonuçları 16 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde açıklanacaktır.
8- Yarışmaya gönderilen karikatürler geri gönderilmeyecektir. Dereceye giren veya girmeyen karikatürler kültürel amaçlı kullanılabilir, yayınlanabilirler. Yarışmaya katılanlar bu şartları kabul etmiş sayılırlar. Eserler Turhan Selçuk Karikatürlü Ev’de saklanacaktır.
9- Jüri tarafından seçilecek olan, sergilenecek ve albümde yer alacak eser sahiplerine yarışma albümü gönderilecektir.
10- Ödül töreni 19 Eylül 2015 tarihinde yapılacaktır. Aynı tarihte sergilenmeye değer görülen ve ödül alan karikatürlerin sergi açılışı Turhan Selçuk Karikatürlü Ev’de gerçekleştirilecektir. Sergi 4 Ekim 2015 tarihine kadar açık kalacaktır. 
11- Özel Ödül kazananların konaklama ve yemek giderleri karşılanacaktır. Yol masrafları kendilerine aittir. 
Muhammet Tokat - Milas Belediye Başkanı 
Kamil Masaracı - Karikatürist İSTANBUL
Serpil Kar - Karikatürist ADANA
Raşit Yakalı - Karikatürist İSTANBUL
Muhammet Şengöz - Karikatürist İZMİT
Xia Lichuan - Karikatürist ÇİN
Christina Sampaio - Karikatürist PORTEKİZ
Birincilik Ödülü: 3.000 DOLAR
İkincilik Ödülü: 2.000 DOLAR
Üçüncülük Ödülü: 1.000 Dolar
Diğer Özel Ödüller: Çeşitli kuruluşların, dernek, gazete, sanat dergileri, sendika, ajans ve kişilerin koyacakları özel ödüller.
Not: 16 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde jüri toplantısı yapılacaktır.

Daily Güncel

Serpil Kar - Türkiye

İsmail Doğan - Belçika

İzel Rozental - Türkiye

Amasya Municipality 6th National & 1st International Cartoon Drawing Contest / Türkiye 21st of April 2015

Word file Rules & Aplication form from Clock Here

6. Türk Çizgi Roman Okurları Ödülleri Aday Sunumu...

Bu sene 2014 yılında Türkiye’de yayınlanan çizgi romanların, yayıncılarının, sanatçılarının ve çeşitli kategorilerde emek verenlerinin değerlendirileceği 6. Türk Çizgi Roman Okurları Ödülleri için geri sayım başladı.
Geleneksel okur oylamasına dönüşen Türk Çizgi Roman Okurları Ödülleri bu sene yine iki aşamalı olarak gerçekleşecektir.
1 – Okurların aday sunumu
2 – Okurların oylaması
Birinci aşamada okurlar her sene olduğu üzere belirlenen kategorilere uygun olarak başarılı buldukları kişi, kurum ve yayınların isimlerini bizlere mail olarak gönderecekler. 
ÇROP ve Altın Madalyon yetkilileri bu önerileri listeleyerek en çok ismi zikredilenleri 5’li aday sırasına kaydedecek.
İkinci aşamada okurların sunduğu isimler arasından 5’e kalanlar oylanmak üzere duyurulacak, böylece oy verme işlemi gerçekleşecektir.
Bu yöntemin seçilmesinin başlıca sebebi aday belirlemede kişisel husumetlerle spekülasyonların önüne geçilmesinin hedeflenmesidir. Adayları da başarıyı da okurların belirlemesi bu bakımdan en doğru yöntem olarak belirlenmiştir.
Aday gönderim adresi:
Aday sunum son tarihi: 20 Şubat 2014
Adayların açıklanması ve oylama başlangıcı: 28 Şubat 2014
Oylama bitiş tarihi: 20 Mart 2014
6. Türk Çizgi Roman Okurları Ödüllerinin ödül töreni mekan sponsoru Büyülü Dükkan, ödüllerin sürecinin organize edilmesinin sponsorları ise Çizgi Roman Okurları Platformu (ÇROP) ve Altın Madalyon Çizgi Roman Sevdalıları forum alanıdır. 
Not :
01 - 6. Türk Çizgi Roman Okurları Ödülleri’nde ÇROP, Altın Madalyon ve Büyülü Dükkan hiç bir kategoride aday olarak gösterilemez.
02 – Bu sene “Onur Ödülü” kategorisinin okurların oylamasına değil sponsor kurumların yetkililerine bırakılmıştır. Böyle sürmesi de planlanmaktadır.
03 – Organizasyonun her aşamasında iletişim koordinasyonunu sağlayan Ümit Kireççi hiçbir kategoride aday gösterilemez. Ancak bu çalışmalarında yer alan sanatçıları, yazarları ve araştırmacıları kapsamamaktadır.
04 – Oylamalar Altın Madalyon forum alanına ek olarak hazırlanacak alandan elektronik olarak yapılacaktır.
Aday gönderim adresi:
6. Türk Çizgi Roman Okurları Ödülleri Kategorileri 
01 - En İyi Editör 2014
02 - En İyi Yabancı Yazar 2014
03 - En İyi Türk Yazar 2014
04 - En İyi Türk Çizer 2014
05- En İyi Grafik ve Uygulama 2014
06 - En İyi Yabancı Çizer 2014
07 - En İyi Çevirmen 2014
08 - En Favori Karakter 2014
09 - En İyi Comics Dizisi 2014
10 - En İyi Fumetti Dizisi 2014
11 - En İyi Frankofon Dizisi 2014
12 - En İyi Manga 2014
13 - En İyi Grafik Roman (Tek Sayılık Albüm) 2014
14 - En İyi Çr Basan Yayınevimiz 2014
15 - En İyi Okur İlişkisi Kuran Yayınevi 2014
16 - En İyi Kapak 2014
17 - En İyi Mizah Çizgi Romanı 2014
18 - En İyi Çizgi Roman Yayınlayan Mizah Dergisi 2014
19 - En İyi Mizah Çizgi Roman Çizeri 2014 
20 - En İyi Çocuk Çizgi Romanı 2014
21 - En İyi Çocuk Çizgi Romanı Yayınlayan Çocuk Dergisi 2014
22 - En İyi Çizgi Roman Araştırmacısı 2014
23 - En İyi Çizgi Roman Araştırma Yazısı (Gazete, Dergi, İnternet) 2014 
24 - En İyi Çizgi Roman Satış Noktası (Sahafiye, Kitabevi) 2014
25 - En İyi Çizgi Roman Haber-İnceleme Site/Blog 2014
(Aday olarak, online çizgi roman paylaşımı yapmayan site ve bloglar kabul edilecektir)
26 - En İyi Çizgi Roman Facebook Sayfası 2014
Aday gönderim adresi:
Aday sunum son tarihi: 20 Şubat 2014
Adayların açıklanması ve oylama başlangıcı: 28 Şubat 2014

Amasya Belediyesi 6.Ulusal Karikatür Yarışması

21 Nisan 2015

Word Dosyasındaki kurallar ve form için tıklayın

 Nasreddin Hocanın Torunlarından Çizgili Protesto...

Karikatüristler, Fransız Konsolosluğu önünde Charlie Hebdo katliamında yaşamını kaybedenleri anarak “Bizim kurşunumuz kalemimizin ucundadır” dedi.

Karikatüristler, İstanbul Beyoğlu’nda bulunan Fransız Konsolosluğu önünde Charlie Hebdo dergisinde katledilenleri anarak saldırıyı kınadı.

Karikatüristlere yönelik saldırının ilk olmadığını belirten çizerler, “Daha önceki yıllarda dünyada ve ülkemizde faile meçhule uğrayan Sabahattin Ali, ırkçı faşistlerce kaçırılarak öldürülen İbrahim Güngör, Madımak/Sivas’ta yakılarak katledilen Asaf Koçak, Filistinli Çizer Naci El Ali ile Şili’de katledilen Santiago Nattino’ya yapılan saldırılar Charlie Hebdo dergisi ile toplu katliama ulaştı” dedi.

karikatüristler Nasreddn Hocanın torunları “Biz karikatüristler çizgi emekçileriyiz. Kurşun silahlarımızın namlusunda değil, kalemlerimizin ucundadır” diyen karikatüristler açıklamalarında şunları vurguladı: Charlie Hebdo’ya yapılan saldırı, çözümü şiddet ve terörde arayan ve uluslararası destek alan çarpık bir zihniyetin eylemidir. Bizler mizahın evrensel bir sanat olduğuna inanıyor ve farklılıklarımızı zenginlik olarak görüyoruz. Bu hain saldırıda sıkılan kurşunların Charlie Hebdo‘ya değil, sanata ve özgür düşünceye sıkıldığını ilan ediyoruz.Basın özgürlüğü sıralamasında 180 ülkeden 154. olan ülkemizin daha da geri düşeceğinden endişe etmekteyiz.Egemen güçlerin maşalarınca yapılan saldırıyla başta Türkiye olmak üzere tüm dünyada sansür ve oto sansüre karşı var gücümüzle direneceğimizi mizahçılar ve karikatürcüler olarak ilan ediyoruz.

Ama, önce ÖZGÜRCE GÜLEBİLEN BİR TOPLUM istiyoruz !!!

The 9th HumoDEVA InternationalCartoon Contest Deva  /  Romania 30 April  2015

Dear Artist, 
The International Site, CRISAN Publishing House, The ACCES Association (as the organizers) and The Founders (Horia CRISAN & Liviu STANILA), Are very glad to invite you to participate in The 9th HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST Deva, Romania, 2015

R U L E S 2015:
1. The 9th HumoDEVA ICC is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest, the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE on HumoDEVA’s site.
2. The artworks must be presented in a FREE THEME - MY BEST OF 2014, (your best cartoons made in 2014) or/and on THE THEME - SEX, LOVE AND… MONEY!
3. Deadline: April 30, 2015.
4. You can submit max 5 works, made in 2014, for FREE THEME and max 5 works for THEME SECTION. The cartoons must not contain text. The name of the uploaded cartoons must contain the entrant’s family name, first name, country and title of work (in english). The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format, with the maximum limit of 2 MB. 
Upload your cartoons here! (To finish, click DONE in the up right side, on green.)
Separately please send at the e-mail address the author’s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.
6. The cartoons submitted to the contest will be exhibited on the HumoDEVA 2015 web site for the attention and objection of all cartoonists to prevent similarity, copying and steeling. Any cartoon which is similar, copied or stolen will not be awarded. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDEVA 2015 web site .
7. The Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no mater the categories:
GOLD PRIZE: 500$, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on 
SILVER PRIZE: 400$, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on
BRONZE PRIZE: 300$, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on
Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on
Jury’s decisions are final. Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges. The original drawings of the prize winning entries should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wraped and protected against damages. The mail address for sending winning originals is: CRISAN Publishing House, Mihai Viteazu street , bl. 47, ap 1, 330091 Deva, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA.
8. By participating, entrants grant the organizing body the right to use their entries as advertising for the HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest and for the site (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogues, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors.
9. For further information, e-mail: .
10. By submitting the works to The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above. 
Founder of Co-founder and art director of The HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST – Deva, Romania

Daily Güncel

İsmailkar - Türkiye

Jorge Inácio

Serpil Kar - Türkiye

Firuz Kutal - Norway

Necmettin Çanak - Türkiye

Atilla Atala - Türkiye

Doru Axinte - Romania

İsmailkar - Türkiye

Karikatürcüler Derneği'ne Kınama...


1000 kişilik üyesiyle övünen ancak bu üyelere hiçbir şekilde ulaş/a/mayan ve derneği 150 kişilik yandaş kadrosuyla işlevsellik kazandırmaya çalışan yönetimin tüm çizerleri temsil ettiğine inanmıyoruz.
Fransa‘da yayınlanan “CHARLIE HEBDO“ dergisine yapılan ve dünyaca tanınmış dört karikatürcünün öldürülmesine yönelik bir basın duyurusu bile veremeyen sadece formalite gereği
internet sitesinde yayınladığı bir bildiriyle tepki (!) veren, “KARİKATÜRCÜLER DERNEĞİ“ yönetimini şiddetle kınıyor ve göreve çağırıyoruz!
Tüm dünyada sanata ve düşünce özgürlüğüne karşı yapılan yürüyüşlere kayıtsız kalan ve üyeleriyle “BİRLİK ve DAYANIŞMA“ mesajı veremeyen bir kurumun varlığı tartışma konusudur. 
Derneğin yapamadığı bu tepkisel eylemi karikatürü evrensel bir sanat olarak benimsemiş çizgi emekçileri gerçekleştirme kararı aldı.
18 Ocak 2015 Pazar günü saat 14.00‘de A3 kağıda çizdikleri destek karikatürleriyle Beyoğlu‘ndaki Fransız Başkonsolosluğu önünde “CHARLIE HEBDO“ ile dayanışmaya ve sanata karşı 
yapılan bu saldırıyı kınamaya çağırıyoruz!...

Muhalif Karikatürcüler

Daily Güncel

Ferreol Murillo - COSTA RICA

20. International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb / Croatia 16 April 2015

The organizer of the 20th International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2015 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
D. DEADLINE: Entry deadline is the 16th of April 2015. 
First Prize: 1.000 EUR
Second Prize: 500 EUR
Third Prize: 300 EUR
Five Special mentions
G. EXHIBITION: The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 2th of June 2015.
H. OTHER CONDITIONS: Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque. 
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2016).
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2015, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.

Online Cartoons Magazine&Catalog Arsiv / Sanal Karikatür Dergi ve Katalog Arşivi

Daily & Weekly Cartoons Arsiv Click Here

Karcomics Magazine Arsiv / Click Here-Tıklayın-->> 

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