Daily Güncel

Duygudan Yoksunlaşarak ilerliyoruz...Ama bir Yapay zekaya da Duygu yüklemeye Çalışıyoruz......Serpil 2024


Portal ANIMALCARTOON, Belgrade (www.animalcartoon.net)
ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, Belgrade are organizing cartoon contest on theme "SEA ANIMALS".
A. Participation: The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world, over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education.
B. Cartoon theme: SEA ANIMALS
C. Artworks - Send by e-mail on address: info@animalcartoon.net .
Only the original artworks (up to 5) in digital form send by e-mail will be accepted.
Digital works (A4, up to 300 dpi, JPEG or TIFF, the maximum length per one artworks 3 MB - Biggest artworks than 3 MB will not be opened niether accepted) with personal information - name, address, e-mail, cartoonist photo and brief CV (.doc format, NOT PDF) should be sent by e-mail.
Condensed file zip, rar, etc... WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
The cartoons must not be previously awarded.
Arrived submissions that passed the pre-selection will be immediately published on the portal Animalcartoon.
D. Deadline:Entry deadline is Septeber 01, 2024.
E. Prizes and awards: First prize 300 € - neto, Second prize 200 € - neto, Third prize 150 € - neto
It will be also awarded 10 diplomas.
F. Exhibition: The exhibition will be staged in Zoological Garden Belgrade (BEO ZOO VRT) from
October 1, 2024 to October 1, 2025.
The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia and abroad.
G. Catalogue:All participants of the competition will be able to download the catalog in PDF format from our portal.
H. Other conditions: The organizers reserve the right to use them for various purposes without any obligation to compensate for it. The works will be included in the permanent exhibition and archive portal Animal Cartoon.
By submitting works is considered that the authors accept these rules.
Arrived artworks remain the property of the organizers.
Špiro RADULOVIĆ, cartoonist Manager of Portal

First International Cartoon Competition - Danube River, Rousse, Bulgaria, EU - 2024 "WATER-RIVER-PEOPLE" 10 June / Haziran 2024

Contest theme: "WATER-RIVER-PEOPLE"
The major navigable rivers of the world have been the most used routes for people for millennia, a source of water and sustenance for them, agriculture, hygiene and other domestic needs. Water is the source of life. The river is its provider. People are its users. Nowadays, the river is still a way for transport, industrial, sports and tourism, it is still a place for fishing and recreation. But people look at the river in a different way.
On the one hand, it provides irrigation for agricultural crops, cools nuclear power plant reactors, carries away spent and filtered wastewater from industry and domestic use, provides bulk materials for construction, diverts water from smaller rivers during floods, to incentivize boat manufacturers and more. Large vessels and barges, harbor facilities and their repairs, bridges and ferries, and last but not least, it inspires the riverside poets, writers, artists and musicians, we would not or would to mentioned "courtship" to enter also into the intimate relations of the sexes "There by the river ".
On the other hand, people already take care of the riverbeds and their catchment areas, from the source to the mouth. Starting from international conventions and agreements, the laws of each country, through the normative documents of the relevant ministries and agencies, the constant care of mayors and municipal councils, and reaching non-governmental organizations, environmental protection associations, local clubs and student organizations that are a guarantor of environmental and water protection. The river next to us – Danube 490th kilometer from the mouth of the Black Sea.
Every single word of the above can and should be revised, disassembled, defragmented, "jumped" and assembled anew, according to the visions of the author-caricaturist, brought out graphically to humor and satire, to message or entertainment, to meaning or cheerful nonsense, to a simple line or a picturesque canvas, but necessarily in the triangle of the triad: "WATER-RIVER-PEOPLE" and with gratitude to nature.
It has been celebrated since June 29, 1994, when 13 countries and the European Commission signed the international Convention for the Protection of the Danube River. For the first time, Danube Day was celebrated in Ruse in 2004.
Deadline: June 10, 2024
1st prize: €300
2nd prize: €200
3rd prize: €100
3 nominations – Honoris Mansion – 50 € each
Possible awards to companies and organizations.
Certificate of participation for all finalists participating in the exhibition.
E-Catalog for all finalists approved by the committee.
The E-Catalog will be published on social media.
Each participant can submit up to 2 cartoons made with any technique plus digital, scanned with jpg. 300 dpi. A4, up to 3 Mb per cartoon. Signature on the obverse in the lower right corner of the work.
Entry form - mandatory in Word format in English. You can download the form from the websites – inter. contests.
Receipt of works: 10 May 2024 – 10 June 2024 year.
Two e-mail addresses for sending the works – walex.toon@gmail.com plus zbankova@abv.bg .
The works that received awards in other competitions participate in the exhibition, but do not receive awards.
Only award-winning artists will mail the original work or signed print to an address they will receive upon presentation of a bank account.
Selected participants give permission to the organizer to use their drawings for the catalog, exhibitions and for the promotion of the event. The awarded proposals will become the property of the organizers - sponsors and the municipality of Ruse, ME “Ruse art”, Bulgaria, EU. Official opening of the exhibition: 29.062024, EU, Bulgaria, Ruse, Revenue building and the square in the city center. Good luck to all participants.
More info from Walex walex.toon@gmail.com 
Municipality of Rousse, ME “Ruse art”, Union of Bulgarian Artists - Cartoon section

Tiyatro ve sinema oyuncusu Ahmet UĞURLU 'nun anısına.

Ramazan Özçelik

Bedri Koraman Türk Karikatür tarihinin en büyük ustalarındandı. Onu tanımak ve onun ilham verdiği sanatçılardan biri olmaktan büyük gurur duyuyorum... Usta bugünleri görseydi kesinlikle kahrolurdu... Ustamızı bundan tam 10 yıl önce yitirdik ama asla unutmadık...Öznur Kalender

Bülent Oktay'ın HAKİKATÜR isimli karikatür albümü Yayınlandı...

Değerli Dostlarımız,Nasreddin Hoca ve Hunili Rıfkı’nın gözünden ve gönlünden Farkındalık, Uyanış ve Hakikat karikatürlerinden oluşan HAKİKATÜR karikatür albümünün ilk kitabı Herdem Yayınlarından çıktı !


Theme: ROOTS
DEADLINE 10 June 2024
PARTICIPATION The contest is opened to italian and international artists from the age of 16. Each artist
can send maximum three artworks, not awarded or selected in other contests.
A) Satire/Humor/Illustration - max 3 artworks
B) Comics - max 3 artworks (each artwork con be made of one or two pages)
The artworks must be sent in A4/A3 format and be sent at
Minimun resolution of 300 dpi, in JPG o TIFF.
IMPORTANT NOTES Images sent by email must not be over 10MB, for bigger files use www.wetransfer.com
First Prize 1.000,00 €, Second Prize 500,00 €, Third Prize 300,00 €
PRIZE COMICS CATEGORY First Prize 500,00 €
AWARD CERIMONY AND EXHIBITION The award cerimony and exhibition will be held in the course of 2024.
XXXII RASSEGNA INTERNAZIONALE DI SATIRA ve UMORISMO CITTA' DI TRENTO Tema: RADICI​SCADENZA 10 gün 2024 PARTECİPAZİON 16 yıllık bir partide İtalyan sanatçılarına ve yabancılara katılabilirim. Bazı katılımcılar, başkalarıyla birlikte, birinci sınıf veya tekil olmayan, çok sayıda 3 etkinlik sunabilirler. SEZIONI A) Satira/Umorismo/Illustrazione - massimo 3 opere B) Fumetto - massimo 3 opera (ogni opera può essere compost di una o Due tavole) INVIO DELLE OPERE A4/A3 formatının kullanılması ve davet edilmesi gerekiyor rassegnatrento@studioandromeda.net Minimum 300 dpi çözünürlükte, JPG veya TIFF formatında. NOT ÖNEMLİ E-posta yoluyla hızlı görüntü aktarımı, www.wetransfer.com'dan daha üstün bir boyut için 10 MB'lık büyük bir miktara sahiptir. PREMI SEZIONE SATIRA/UMORISMO/ILLUSTRAZIONE Primo primi 1.000,00 € İkinci prim 500,00 € Terzo primi 300,00 € PREMIO SEZIONE FUMETTO Primo primi 500,00 € PREMIO ÖZEL ALESANDRO ALFONSI 300,00 € PREMIAZIONE E Mostra İlk tanıtım ve açılış 2024'te gerçekleşti.​SCARICA IL BANDO ⍖​XXXII ULUSLARARASI HİVİN ​​VE MİZAH FESTİVALİ “TRENTO ŞEHRİ” Tema: KÖKLER SON TESLİM TARİHİ 10 Haziran 2024 KATILIM Yarışma 16 yaşından itibaren İtalyan ve uluslararası sanatçılara açıktır. Her sanatçı diğer yarışmalarda ödül almayan veya seçilmeyen en fazla üç eser gönderebilir. KATEGORİLER A) Hiciv/Mizah/İllüstrasyon - en fazla 3 sanat eseri B) Karikatürler - en fazla 3 sanat eseri (her sanat eseri bir veya iki sayfadan oluşabilir) SANAT ESERLERİNİN GÖNDERİLMESİ Eserler A4/A3 formatında gönderilmeli ve adresine gönderilmelidir. rassegnatrento@studioandromeda.net JPG veya TIFF formatında minimum 300 dpi çözünürlük. ÖNEMLİ NOTLAR E-posta ile gönderilen görsellerin boyutu 10MB'ı geçmemelidir, daha büyük dosyalar için www.wetransfer.com adresini kullanın. ÖDÜLLER HİVİN/MİZAH/İLLÜSTRASYON KATEGORİSİ Birincilik Ödülü 1.000,00 € İkincilik Ödülü 500,00 € Üçüncülük Ödülü 300,00 € ÖDÜLLÜ ÇİZGİ KATEGORİ Birincilik Ödülü 500,00 € ALESSANDRO ALFONSI ÖZEL ÖDÜLÜ 300,00 € ÖDÜL TÖRENİ VE SERGİSİ Ödül töreni ve sergisi 2024 yılı içerisinde gerçekleştirilecektir.​ÇAĞRIYI İNDİR ⍖ HAKKINDA AFFİTTO SALA RİSK VE KATKISI ARŞİVYO İLETİŞİM TESSERA SOCI STÜDYO D'ARTE ANDROMEDA Via Malpaga 11, 38122 Trento (İtalya) P.I. 01065370221

Daily Güncel

XXXI International Exhibition of Arts of Humor 2 June / Haziran 2024

XXXI International Exhibition of Arts of Humor 2024
The Quevedo Institute of Arts of Humor through The General Foundation of the University of Alcalá announces the XXXI International Exhibition of Arts of Humor around the subject «Billionaires». There will be more information about the subject in the website iqh.es. 
1. Participation is open to all the persons older than 18. 
2. In order to participate in the Exhibition, every artist must send a piece on the theme «Billionaires». It can be a vignette, a comic strip or a caricature. The organization reserves the right to invite those authors that the organization members agree to consider important for the exhibition.
3. The works must be original and must be signed. They can be made with any technique and in any format, with maximum dimensions of A3 (297x420 mm), and preferably in portrait format for printing in the catalogue.
4. All art pieces will be sent before June 2nd 2024. Together with the piece, the authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. 
 Those made using traditional techniques will be sent to the following address:
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá 
Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor 
C/ Nueva, 4. 
28801 Alcalá de Henares 
Madrid (España)
 For digital works, they must be made in formats JPG or TIFF with a 
minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and they must be sent to
It is essential to comply with the noted date for the adequate planning of the catalogue and design of the exhibition.
5. Entries sent by post must be suitably packaged. It is recommended to protect them with flat cardboard. The organization won't take responsibility on any possible damage occurred during transportation. Mailing costs will be the responsibility of the participants in this call, and the organisation will not assume any costs (e.g. customs charges) or any liability in the event of damage or loss of the work.
6. A Selection Comission will carry out a selection of the pieces submitted, that will be exhibited in the XXXI Internacional Exhibition of the Arts of Humor in 
7. All pieces submitted will be kept at the Graphic Humour Archives of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, except specific indication to the contrary, for which the artist must write on the reverse of the piece “Devolución/Return”. 
8. The submission of the piece means that the author authorizes the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá to reproduce it and exhibit it, as long as the name of the artist is displayed and the objective is the media coverage of the Exhibition and the rest of activities of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá within the field of Graphic Humour and/or of this call (edition of catalogues, posters, leaflets, media coverage, web page, etc.), and in any case it generates any type of obligation on the author's part. 
9. The organization will communicate through the Exhibition web page the list of participants with submitted piece and the list of selected pieces.
10. At the end of the exhibition in Alcalá, those people with selected pieces will receive a copy of the catalogue, which will be edited to mark the celebration of the Exhibition. 
11. The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those pieces considered to infringe individual or collective rights.
12. The participants will be responsible before any claim on the authorship of the works. The organization will not be responsible before any claim made by a third party upon the violation of intellectual rights or property of the works.
13. The participation on this Exhibition means the acceptance of these conditions of entry
FGUA'nın IQH'si, XXXI MIAH'ı "Milyarderler" teması etrafında toplar. 2 HAZİRAN'dan önce Alcalá Üniversitesi Genel Vakfı'nın Quevedo Mizah Sanatları Enstitüsü, XXXI Uluslararası Mizah Sanatları Sergisi'ni "MİLYARYONERLER" başlığıyla duyurdu.
1.- Katılım, yarışmaya katılmak isteyen 18 yaş üstü herkese açıktır.
2.- Sergiye katılmak için "MİLYONERLER" temalı en fazla 5 eser sunulmalıdır. Bir çizgi film, şerit veya karikatür olabilir. Kuruluş, uygun gördüğü yazarları davet etme hakkını saklı tutar.
3.- Eserler imzalanmalıdır. Katalog bu oranları takip edeceğinden, maksimum A3 (297×420 mm) boyutlarında, tercihen dikey olarak herhangi bir teknik ve destekte yapılabilirler.
4.- Başvurular 2 Haziran'dan önce yapılmalıdır.Çalışma ile birlikte, bu kurallara eşlik eden form usulüne uygun olarak doldurulmuş olarak gönderilecektir.
Bunu yapmak isteyen yazarlar için kuruluş, web sitesi iqh.es aracılığıyla konuyla ilgili farklı bilgiler sunacaktır.
Kayıt formları için tıklayın...>>
Geleneksel teknikler kullanılarak yapılanlar aşağıdaki adrese gönderilebilir:
Alcalá Üniversitesi Genel Vakfı Uluslararası Mizah Sanatları Sergisi
C/ Nueva, 4. 28801 Alcalá de Henares
Madrid (İspanya)
Dijital teknikle yapılanlarda ise JPG veya TIFF formatında minimum 300 dpi çözünürlükte gönderilmelidir. miah@iqh.es ve kopya numarasıyla birlikte basılı ve imzalı bir kopyanın gönderilmesi önerilir (örneğin, X'in Kopya 1'i).
Kataloğun doğru planlanması ve serginin tasarımı için belirtilen tarihlere sadık kalınması esastır.
5.- Posta ile gönderilen eserler uygun ambalajlı olarak gönderilmelidir. Bunların iki düz karton ile korunması tavsiye edilir ve nakliye sırasında meydana gelen herhangi bir hasardan kuruluş sorumlu değildir. Nakliye masrafları bu çağrıya katılan kişiler tarafından karşılanacak olup, işin bozulması veya kaybolması durumunda kuruluş herhangi bir masraf (örneğin gümrük ücreti) veya herhangi bir sorumluluk üstlenmeyecektir.
6.- Eylül-Kasım 2024 tarihleri arasında Alcalá de Henares'te düzenlenecek olan Alcalá Üniversitesi XXXI Uluslararası Mizah Sanatları Sergisi'nde sergilenecek eserler arasından bir komisyon seçim yapacaktır.
7.- Sunulan eserler, aksi açıkça belirtilmedikçe, Alcalá Üniversitesi Genel Vakfı'nın Quevedo Mizah Sanatları Enstitüsü'nün koleksiyonlarının bir parçası olacak ve eserin arkasına "Dönüş" kelimesi yazılmalıdır.
8.- Eserin gönderilmesi, yazarın Alcalá Üniversitesi Genel Vakfı'na, adının görünmesi ve amacın Serginin ve FGUA'nın mizah alanındaki diğer faaliyetlerinin yaygınlaştırılması olması koşuluyla, yazara karşı herhangi bir yükümlülük oluşturmadan onu çoğaltma ve yayma yetkisi verdiği anlamına gelir.
9.- Kuruluş, eserlerin alındığını ve seçildiğini elektronik olarak bildirecek, ikinci listeyi iqh.es web sitesinde yayınlayacaktır.
10.- Eser seçimi yapılan yazarlara, Sergi kutlamaları vesilesiyle yayınlanacak yayının bir kopyası verilecektir.
11.- Kuruluş, bireysel veya kolektif hakları ihlal ettiğini düşündüğü eserleri sergilememe hakkını saklı tutar.
12.- Katılımcılar, herhangi bir iddia durumunda eserlerin orijinalliğinden sorumlu olacak, herhangi bir hak veya fikri mülkiyet ihlaline karşı organizasyonu sorumlu tutacaktır.
13.- Sergiye katılım, bu kuralların kabul edildiği ve herhangi bir yasal talepten feragat edildiği anlamına gelir ve eserlerin sorumluluğu da yazarlarına aittir.

International Cartoon Contest, the XIXth edition, 2024, Braila, Romania 10 July / Temmuz 2024

REGULATION: International Cartoon Contest, the XIXth edition, 2024, Braila, Romania
The running of the contest: from the 15 th of February to the 20 th of September 2024
Theme: EURO 2024 - in offside
Entries: max. 3
The cartoon works will be original and accompanied by a brief biography, photo, addresse and phone number.
The making technique of the cartoons is free.
Submission of the cartoon works: The cartoon works will be sent by e-mail from the 15 th of February to the 10th of July 2024, 2400 o’clock (Romanian local time) to: cartooncontestbraila@gmail.com
The judging process will take place between: the 15th - 31st of July 2024.
Technical conditions:The works will be submitted in electronic format, JPG, 300 dpi resolution, CMYK.
Each submitted cartoon work will contain the author's name and the title of the work, in the file name.
Awarded Prizes:
The BIG prize 1000 EURO
The FIRST prize 700 EURO
The SECOND prize 500 EURO
The THIRD prize 400 EURO
3 SPECIAL prizes 3 x 200 EURO each
The amounts corresponding to the prizes are taxable according to the Romanian legislation in force,at the date of their awarding.
In order to receive the prizes, the winners must send the winning work in original (with the author's signature on the back of the paper) within a maximum of 45 days from the announcement of the winners (on the facebook page of the Organizer: https: //www.facebook .com / Centrul.de.Creatie.Braila, once with the Salon’s opening). The winning works will be accompanied by a statement (annexed to this Regulation) regarding the assignment of copyright for exposure for
an indefinite period as well as personal bank account data (bank name, IBAN code, SWIFT code), through a document issued by bank, lei account (for Romanian competitors), respectively in euro / national currency (for foreign competitors).
The prizes will be offered in RON, at the euro exchange rate of the Romania National Bank from the date of approval of the initial Regulation.
The payment of the prizes is made by bank transfer. The transfer costs will be borne by both parties (Organizer and the winner of the prize), according to the banking legislation. The prizes will be transferred within a maximum of 60 days from the announcement of the winners, in compliance with the legal provisions.
The winning cartoons will be sent by post to the following address: Romania, Brăila, Traian Square, no. 2, postal code 810153.
The Organizer shall not be responsible for the impossibility of a winner to take possession of the prize for reasons not related to it. If the competitor does not comply with the obligations imposed by this regulation, the Organizer is exonerated from any liability.
Note: In the absence of interbank relations between Romania and the country of origin of the winner, the Organizer is exonerated from any liability.
The participants will declare that they own the works and own the copyright of the cartoon works entered in the competition.
By entering the works in the contest, the participants agree on the exhibition of the respective works within the cartoon exhibitions organized in art galleries or museums, assigning the copyrights for the respective works for exposure (the agreement being given implicitly for the promotion of the International Cartoon Contest)
The organizer assumes no responsibility for any infringements of copyright or ownership. The single responsibility lies to the person who submitted the cartoon work.
The winners of the International Cartoon Contest transfer the ownership of the awarded works to the Organizer (Braila County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture) at the time of sending over the original cartoon works to it.
The winners declare under their own responsibility that they assign the copyright on the cartoon works for the realization of exhibitions in order to promote the event, the institution and the image
of the city, for an indefinite period, by any means.
Exhibitors from the catalog of the edition allow CJCPCT Brăila the right to use the works in order to promote the institution, the city and the salon in Art Galleries, museums, etc.
The contest opening and the awarding ceremony: the 20th of September, 2024.
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals for one day, for the winners who will be present at the opening ceremony.
The organizer will support the travel expenses (assurance/ settlement) for the winner of The Big Prize.
Winners residing in the Municipality of Brăila are exempt from accommodation.
The exceptions to the accommodation are the winners residing in the Municipality of Brăila.
The Organizer reserves the right to change the conditions of the contest; subsequent changes will be communicated to those interested.
The catalog of the International Cartoon Contest, in pdf format, can be downloaded from the institution's website: http://centruldecreatiebraila.ro/ after the Cartoon Contest opening will take place.
Registration for the Cartoon contest is equivalent to taking note of and complying with the Regulation of the International Cartoon Contest.
Contact: Brăila County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, Traian
Square 2, 810153, Brăila, Romania; Telephone and fax: +40.239.614.710.
Declaration - assignment of copyright
I, the undersigned......................................hereby declare that I assign the copyright/exposure right to Brăila County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of the Traditional Culture, on the awarded cartoon work within the 19th Edition of the International Cartoon Contest, 2024, Brăila, Romania, for the making of exhibitions, in order to promote the event, the institution and the image of the city, indefinitely, by any means.
Date Signature

First Prize Cancellation Birincilik Ödülü İptali...

Nihayet olmasi gerekenlerden sadece bir tanesi...

Milas Belediyesi,Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğüne,Milas,25 Mayıs 2024
Konu: Birincilik ödülünün iptali
Milas Belediyesince bu yıl 14cüsü düzenlenen Uluslararası Turhan Selçuk karikatür yarışmasının 11 Mayıs 2024 günü Milas’ta gerçekleşen jüri toplantısı neticesinde birincilik ödülünü kazanan eserin sahibi MEHMET AKİF ÖZDAL’ın intihal yaptığı iddiası araştırılmış ve bu kişinin evvelce başka sanatçılara ait çok sayıda karikatürü kopyalayarak çeşitli yarışmalara katıldığı belirlenmiştir.
Bu nedenle 2024 birincilik ödülünün iptaline karar vermiş bulunuyoruz.
Jüri Başkanı: Kamil Masaracı
Üyeler: Ruhan Selçuk, İzel Rozental, Fahriye Çıtaklı, İpek Özsüslü, Eda Uzunoğlu, Julie Besombes, Simon Baert, Prof. Dr. Süleyman Saim Tekcan

56 World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 15 June / Haziran 2024

Dear cartoonists, so many cartoons from all over the world are arriving.
And we have great news! The 56 OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2024 application deadline will be extended until June 15, 2024.
15 more days to apply!
THE OPEN CALL for the 56 OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2024 is ACTIVE!
Dear friends, CARTOONISTS, let start the year with a good news!
Pleased that during of our fifty-three-years existence we have created a network of exceptional cartoonists - collaborators and friends of OSTEN, we announce the 56 WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2024!
- Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (electronically or manually) and send it to the e-mail:
cartoons@osten.com.mk along with a photo, short bio and digital images of the submitted works
- To send the electronically submited works -original or digital (printed, numbered and signed) BY POSTAL MAIL along with the printed and signed Application Form to our address:
OSTEN – WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS, “8. Udarna Brigada” 2, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
with a note: NO COMMERCIAL VALUE! FOR EXHIBITION ONLY!!! - up to 31 May 2024 latest!
- ON THE BACK OF EACH WORK TO WRITE the name, the country and the title of the work
• The process of organization of the 56th WGC Skopje 2024 is in four phases:
- APPLICATION (31 May 2024)
- SELECTION + publication of selected cartoonists (June 2024)
- JURY + announcement of finalists (July – August 2024)
• THE OFFICIAL EXHIBITION and AWARD GIVING (November 2024) in Skopje, R.N.M.
DEADLINE for arrival of the works for participation in the 56th WGC Skopje 2024 - May 31, 2024!!!
GRAND PRIX for LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT (1500 $ & Sculpture) – decision by the Ambassadors of OSTEN
FIRST AWARD ($1000 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
SECOND AWARD ($500 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
5 THIRD AWARDS (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
5 SPECIAL AWARDS (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury
CICO AWARD * for a Macedonian Cartoonist (Plaque) – decision by the OSTEN Board
* In honor of the great Macedonian cartoonist Vasilije Popovic – Cico
Fill out the
Application Form / Katılım Form, sign up, submit the works, follow the updates on FB , and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. For more information on: www.osten.mk , and you can always contact us on: cartoons@osten.com.mk . WE ARE EXPECTING YOU!

56 Dünya Karikatür Galerisi - Üsküp 31 Mayıs 2024

Sevgili KARİKATÜRİST dostlar, yıla güzel haberlerle başlayalım!
Elli üç yıllık varlığımız boyunca, OSTEN'in işbirlikçileri ve dostları olan olağanüstü karikatüristlerden oluşan bir ağ oluşturduğumuzdan memnun olarak, 56. DÜNYA KARİKATÜR GALERİSİ Üsküp 2024'ü duyuruyoruz !
BAŞVURU için başvuru sahibinin: -
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Daily Güncel

International School Cartoon Festival 2025
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Health: The right to health is an inalienable principle that must be guaranteed to all men and women, regardless of their social, economic or cultural condition. Equitable access to health services such as prevention, treatment and adequate medical care are essential to ensure that each individual can benefit from the healthy life to which they are entitled. Therefore, it is imperative that governments and institutions work together to ensure that the right to health is respected and implemented in all countries as a basic and vital need.
Sağlık: Sağlık hakkı, sosyal, ekonomik veya kültürel durumlarına bakılmaksızın tüm erkek ve kadınlar için güvence altına alınması gereken devredilemez bir ilkedir. Önleme, tedavi ve yeterli tıbbi bakım gibi sağlık hizmetlerine eşit erişim, her bireyin hakkı olan sağlıklı yaşamdan yararlanabilmesini sağlamak için esastır. Bu nedenle, sağlık hakkına saygı duyulmasını ve tüm ülkelerde temel ve yaşamsal bir ihtiyaç olarak uygulanmasını sağlamak için hükümetlerin ve kurumların birlikte çalışması zorunludur.

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